Wednesday, April 29

Good (?) Word Wednesday...


So ya know how I told you I sold my house?

Oh yeah baby…its happening. So now I am ready to tell the whole story. Well, not the whole story. Blogs really aren’t meant for the whole story, are they? So I will fill you in on the best blog worthy parts.

I listed our house the first week of March to test the waters of real estate. I didn’t even install a sign out front because I wasn't planning on listing it for more than a month. At first I was showing the house once or twice a week, then three and four times a week. I love showing houses, but not my own, what a pain. But then the accepted offer came in the first week of April. After only a month! It was just too rad to be true. A great family who loves our home as much (probably more) than we do. The only catch was that they still needed to sell their house. So I held my breath and doubted the whole time, Olen held his faith and knew it was going to happen (and that pretty much sums up our marriage). Once again, Olen was right. Their house sold and now we are closing at the end of May. Oh, I just screamed again. I’m just a little bit freaked out. Super happy, but super freaked.

So now your next question is, “Where are you guys moving?” Yup. That’s one of our questions, too. Right now we are so torn between going closer to family and staying in our little town where we’ve actually started growing some roots. Family sounds appealing because, well, it’s family and that means free babysitters around the corner and a hecka less driving. Plus with the biz Olen could be on the north side in the morning and then in the east valley that afternoon with appointments and a central local is a good thing. On the other hand, we love our little town with dirt roads and our friends here and we just got a Walmart and QT! It is so familiar and comfortable and I’m used to the drive to visit the family in town anyway.

Everything has come together so quickly and fits just right that I know we are just part of a bigger plan, and I’m sure it will continue to work out just fine if we stay on track. No matter where we end up. We’ll all keep in touch; that’s what blogs are for.

Ha! So how’s that for my Good Word Wednesday? Yeah, I agree, not my best Wednesday. It’s one of those “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times” kinda things. But I thought you all should know why I am going to be MIA for the next thirty days. May of 2009 isn’t shaping up to be a very relaxing month. I just need to have it all packed up and cleaned out before the big Family Reunion over Memorial weekend. You’re all invited, by the way. Dead serious. Call me because it’s a kind of fun you wouldn’t want to miss. I can't wait to hang my hammock under the pine trees and take a deep breath.

Will you check back often to make sure I’m still alive?
I appreciate it.

Monday, April 27

Do these stripes make me look fat?
Here’s the view from up here. Three months down, six to go.


Huge hugs and kisses for the great advice and encouragement that was received about my frustrations with keeping my sanity during church. It was very comforting to know I’m not the only one going partially crazy for an hour and ten minutes every Sunday. As an update I thought I would report that we hustled in early and switched sides of the chapel so that we could still have the coveted soft pew (aka London cage) and also be on Olen’s good side. It looked like this:

My plan was to not bring anything at all to church for the kids to look at, draw on, or read; but Porter got a couple books passed me without my knowing. This was okay, but won’t happen again next week. It was a huge improvement overall and Olen and I actually got to listen to all the speakers, even the talk on the reverse vasectomy which kind of made me wish I did have something else to occupy my thoughts but still just grateful for the opportunity to listen.

Friday, April 24

Flashback Friday!

Do you still remember these? It's been a while, but....
It's time!

Drop on in and see the fabulous things made by experienced crafters and local artisans in the gorgeous historic Evergreen District of Mesa. Such delicious handcrafted wares and home decor, gift ideas (think Mother's Day), and so much more!

So I'll see you there, right? Let's go out for Pete's after, K!

Thursday, April 23

Molly's Rule of Life #23

They won't all be good hair days.

Wednesday, April 22

Eight years. Those are my good words and that's also how long I've been a married woman. Unavailable. Taken. Off the market. Wild, huh? It sure doesn't feel like eight years, but then I think back on all the places we've been, all the houses we've lived in, the different cities and the new friends that weren't just mine or his, but ours, the two kids (and the one on the way), the new jobs, the new cars and then it really does feel like it's been eight years.

This anniversary fell on Monday. Some of you true believers remembered and totally made my day! Thanks so much. But it was just a Monday and the weekend before was booked solid with working and seeing my little (BIG) brother in his school play, Fiddler on the Roof. I love revisiting my old high school stomping grounds and cheering on the new class. They majorly rocked the house; but they're Heroes, so what do you expect. Check out our noses. If I ever get a nose job I think my family wouldn't know who I was. It's a trademark worth keeping.So like I was saying, it was just a Monday. And I had a prenatal check up in the afternoon, so what can I do with that kind of day? Well, we dropped the kids off with Mamasita Bonita and the gang and they went straight for the swimming pool. What's up with 162 degrees already?! And Olen and I escaped on our day off. We went to the appointment, very steady heartbeat and all is well. Then we went out to lunch, most awesome chicken quesadilla with extra guacamole, hold the sour cream. Then Olen ever so happily agreed to accompany me to see 17 Again. It was awesome and I think Olen laughed more than I did. I was too busy looking at those baby blues on Zac, what can I say? I love me some baby blues. Then I agreed to go see the "guy" movie, Fast and Furious, (cars+fast+cars=Olen's kind of movie) but it already started fifteen minutes ago. So sad. So we went to another "thinker" kind of movie, State of Play, and I asked Olen questions the whole way through, ("Wait. Who was that?", "Was that the same guy?", "How did she know that?"). It was great and it really had me thinking, so mission accomplished.
And that's how we passed away the eighth year. Or entered the ninth. Either way, we're there.

Hey! Did you think I forgot?! Never.
It's Good Word Wednesday ya'll!
I've got a question for you. It's the topic of today's Good Word discussion.
What was your best or worst anniversary? or
What is your dream anniversary?

For our honeymoon we went on a cruise to the Bahama Islands for a week. It was beyond rad. We always recommend this destination to any engaged couple. So for our tenth-year anniversary we've been making plans to go back aboard and take a cruise to Alaska sans kids. This is my dream anniversary. Good thing we've got two years to save up for it. So until then I am perfectly happy escaping to the movies for the day and eating chicken quesadillas with my man.

Here's to eight more and many more years of awesomeness.

Monday, April 20

So at church I thought we had a pretty good system. We don't have a usual "spot", but we do have a preferred sitting area. We (I) try very hard to be early so that we can sit in the softer pews up front. See, there is a distinct difference with the crowds that sit up in the front area of the chapel, the middle overflow, and the cultural hall. I think it has something to do with age. The older folks definitely love their cushioned pews, and let's face it, all those years of wrangling kids and never properly hearing the speakers; they deserve a good seat in their aging years. Then there's the families with teenagers who can dress themselves and get out the door on time. And then you have families like mine who speed-dress to make it to church just hoping to be lucky enough to snag a pew up front and then finish putting on the lipstick in the church bathroom. Only a couple bigger families and not too many with little babies.

The overflow folks are a mixed media of families, younger couples without kids but who want to be close enough to the action so they can watch the Cheerio fights in the event that the speaker gets boring, and the families that lucked out on the good pews because we got there first.

Now the cultural hall crowd is hard to explain. But if you knew my mom's side of the family it would be easy, I could just say they are like my mom's side of the family. Easy-going, laid back, want to ask how your garden is coming along or if you tried that one recipe yet, they gave it a really good effort but never seem to make it there before the opening song (lost shoe, wrinkled shirt, couldn't find the church bag...). But no harm done, they made it before the sacrament and got a seat pretty close to the door if the baby gets rowdy. We fall into this category plenty of times. As a matter of fact, I grew up in this category and turned out just fine.

But as a parent now (and with only two kids, geesh, you would think I could handle this better) I really want, no have, to sit up in the soft seats. See, here's the "pretty good" system I mentioned earlier. The side of pews that we like are against the wall and create a good little cage for my wild cat daughter. Plus the backs of the pews are tall enough to hide the sippy cup and fruit snacks I smuggle in to keep the peace.

So here's how it usually looks:

against the wall, coloring or reading or (wonders of wonders) listening.

by Porter because sometimes he'll quietly read to her, but right by me because she really is wild.


- the isle blockade.
The only problem with this brilliant plan is that me and all the kids sit on Olen's blind side. So he can freely listen and ignore the pandemonium coming from his left and enjoy every single speaker, musical number, announcement, prayer. This irritates me slightly. I want to put on blinders and ignore my kids, too! But I need Olen-the-isle-blockade, so whatever. It looks like this:
But since someone has to wrestle away the tampon London pulled out from my ancient make-up bag I keep for emergencies in the church bag and tell Porter to keep his feet off the hymn book holder. It looks like this:

I feel like this:

Yesterday we tried something new. I told Olen how I felt frustrated that I had to pretty much handle the kids all alone and people probably thought he was a lazy daddy (that's what got him!) and he said that I could sit by the isle and listen and he would sheriff the kids the whole time. Well, it was sweet and well intended. We started out like this:

The only problem. Still blindsided.

So it ended up getting this way again.
Then the kids had to cross over Olen to get to me ("Porter took my book.", "Can I get a drink?", "Look at this toe nail, I think it's falling off. Can you pull it out for me?" True story.) Like this:
Actually like this:
I wanted to shoot myself. And I bet the families around us did, too. Maybe we're just not cut out to be front pew material? I got up and sped-walked out of there right after the closing prayer and locked myself in the bathroom.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I have another favor to ask; What do you do to keep from wanting to shoot yourself at the end of the meeting?
Awesomer coloring books? Better snacks? Benadryl?
The deep breathing and tapping points are not working anymore and I have to do this all over again in six days.

Friday, April 17

Bananas have been on the top of my "safe" foods list so far in this pregnancy. They require no preparation, don't have an unpleasing odor, and are pre-packaged for convenience. Bananas really might be the best food out there when I think about it. So I like to have lots of these potassium packed edibles on hand at all times. However, I usually can't eat them all before they get those freckles that eventually envelope their whole yellow skin turning them black. Well, it's a good thing that I am also crazy for the carbs and want bread in any form, because black bananas are the very best for banana bread.

Now you're gunna want to write this recipe down (or copy and print) because it is the best banana bread in the entire universe and who doesn't end up with black bananas once in a while? It's Mamasita Bonita's recipe that she's been making since forever and I bet it could win awards if there was ever a banana bread contest to win. So moist, and perfectly sweet but not too sweet and is amazing smeared with butter right out of the oven. Okay, wipe away the drool. No body wants to see that and people will wonder what you're reading. But, yeah, it really is that good.
Mamasita Bonita's Banana Bread

2-3 ripe bananas
2 eggs
1/2 c oil
1/4 c plus 1T buttermilk (or 2%)
1t vanilla
1 3/4 c flour
1 1/2 c sugar
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1T cinnamon (optional, but highly recommended)

In your mixer, mash bananas. Then add all the wet ingredients from eggs to vanilla, one at a time. Mix well. Then add all dry ingredients from flour to cinnamon, one at a time. Mix well. Bake at 350 for about 60 minutes. If you notice that the loaves are still undone in the center, but browning too quickly on the outside, adjust the temperature to 325. Makes one large loaf or two medium sized loaves. Easy peasy!

( I wonder why my pictures are yellow. I think my camara was going through a yellow phase, or maybe was just taking yellowish pictures in honor of my banana post?)

Wednesday, April 15

Hey, did ya miss me? I just had a lot of catching up on the neglected things in life and was busy selling my house. But pretend I didn't just say that last part because right now it all seems too wonderful and so until the last papers are signed I'm not going to even mention it. We'll talk later.

So remember how last time I was setting out to find the silver linings while down on bed rest? I found some.

It's Good Word Wednesday yo.










The grey skies have cleared up and I'm putting on my happy face.

What's the good word with you?

Wednesday, April 8

Today is all about finding that silver lining, that happy thought that might have gone unnoticed, those good words that could change the day of an unknown reader.
Today is Good Word Wednesday.

But today I am back on bed rest. Returning symptoms of worry. I won't know exactly what's going on till my appointment this weekend, so until then I am desperately searching for silver linings. Good day to search anyways, eh.

I don't have to be laying flat on my back all day long, so sitting and typing for a while is just fine and pretty good therapy, too. I am told I can't stand even to do dishes, darn. But I could sit and fold laundry if I wanted; a possibility and good timing since I always have neglected laundry in some corner of my house. And I guess reintroducing my Nike's back into the land of the living will have to wait till better days. I am a little bummed out about this one.

Mandatory days off would totally rock if there wasn't so much to be done. Tomorrow is a half day and Friday there is no school, so maybe we'll have some movie marathons and take out? Or a Daddy date with the kids? Maybe a long drive? Or maybe a new book. Saturday's the family Easter Egg hunt and picnic and Sunday is the big day itself. Sorry, Homies, that I don't have a whole lot of good words today. But never fear, I'm sure those silver linings will show up if I just keep looking. Have you found any over your house today?

To all the Ad Set Ladies at Kohls; I'm so sorry I had to bail last night without saying good-bye. Hopefully I will be back before long.

Monday, April 6

Isn't Easter the greatest? I love this time of the year when the trees are finally green again, the flowers are in full bloom and rabbits lay eggs.

Saturday was the first of many Easter Egg hunts to come.
Our little-big town is so great at hosting fun events for our community, we try to support all that we can. Saturday's was called Spring Celebration, but that's just PC talk for Easter Celebration. They had a wide variety of local vendors, food, music and other kid and family friendly activities. The main event was the egg hunt.
London didn't really understand why she should want to run out and pick up those eggs for her basket until she saw the other kids going crazy for the eggs and then she wanted them all! I was so proud of her as she pushed her way through for the kill. That's my little girl.

Porter's 7 to 8 age group was pretty fierce from the start. I could tell that some of the boys next to Port in line were going to hit it hard so we worked up a strategy. He did pretty good, and had an almost full basket when the last egg had been hunted. London did even better because she was given all of Porter's candy, since he's never liked the stuff much. It took the volunteers twenty minutes to spread out all the eggs and it took those seven and eight-year-olds three minutes to have it all picked up.

Of course they had the Easter Bunny roaming around followed by an entourage of kids wanting a hug and parents wanting a picture. We happen to be standing near by when there wasn't a line, and although I don't like to encourage the Easter Bunny as a main fixture of the holiday; he was there, we were there, so we snapped a picture. London was super freaked out by the huge rabbit, she wouldn't go near it without me and even then wouldn't stop looking at it, probably just trying to figure it out. It is kinda creepy. But it's all part of the fun, and fun it was.
Another part of our Easter celebration that made this weekend so lovely was watching the semi-annual General Conference in the comfort of my over-stuffed couch down in the basement. I got foot rubs and spiritual enlightenment all at once. Complete bliss. I always ask Olen what the subjects of the talks were on from the Priesthood session and Olen tried to tell me but when he got to the part about not spending so much time on the computer or blogging, I never heard the rest. I think it may have had something to do with my fingers in my ears. But maybe I have reached my quota for the day, so onto the other things in life I go.

Friday, April 3

Flashback Friday

Don't you just love these things?
They let you see what you know is there before you're allowed to see it. Kinda like taking a peek at Christmas presents in November. This picture is of London about two months before she was born. She was always hiding behind stuff and to this day she still can't sleep without being totally wrapped up in about five different blankets.

This week I had a little scare by some complications to my pregnancy. Symptoms I've seen before. I called my Nurse Midwife and she said, "Get this girl into the ultra sound now!" Which was just what I wanted to hear. So we went and got our first glimpse of our little growing baby. And by growing I really mean me. I seriously was prepared to hear the words "Do twins run in your family" because I feel like there's two of 'em in there, but nope, just one. Much to Olen's relief, I think.

Everything is just fine and the baby is right on track, (or "right on the money" as the technician kept telling me). I just have to take it easy for a couple days. When we showed our new pictures to London and said, "Look at our baby!" She took a look at our unrecognizable baby-bean and then looked back at us confused and then went back to playing with her tea set. She didn't get it. When we showed our new pictures to Porter he said, "Awh, he (because Porter is sure that it's a brother) looks like a cute little inch worm with a head." I said, "Yes, he does. Right on the money."

Wednesday, April 1

Good Word Wednesday

Who have you fooled today?