Monday, December 22

Porter turned seven on Friday without ever looking back at six.
Ah-So (Benihana wanna-be, but just as great) was a huge success with the kids. Turns out they both like sushi. The Japanese chef really hammed it up for London who couldn't take her eyes off of him. Porter felt so important that his food was getting cooked just as he wanted it right in front of him. He even got extra rice for being the Birthday Boy and the waitresses sang to him a Japanese birthday song that was interesting but sung with excitment (and visions of high tipping dancing in their heads).
Then we visited the Grandparents and Porter made out like a bandit with the gifts. I really did make a chocolate bunt cake; but Port just wanted to eat it so badly he didn't care that I hadn't any birthday candles on hand yet, so I didn't care about getting any pictures. We'll have pictures of teppanyaki rice and steak instead this year.

We positioned the bike before we left for dinner so that I could first come in the house and get into place to capture the look of elation on Porter's face when he walked in and saw the shiny blue bike with red ribbon. didn't quite go as planned. We were out in Mesa a lot later than expected and this is why Port's in his jams (we bring them along when we know we'll be out late in town and change before the ride home). I thought Porter would spring to life again after we woke him up and told him we saw a package on the front porch. It turned out to be a darling dish of carmel corn from my hip Visiting Teachers, so it didn't stir him quite as much as it would have if it had been from our S.S.

Anyhoo, he walked in the house half-asleep and walked right by the shiny blue bike with red ribbon. Right by me saying, "Port! What do you see?!" Then crash landed on the sofa.
It wasn't until the next morning when he stumbled out of his bedroom that he realized he wasn't dreaming and that he really did get his birthday wish of a new bike. He put on his shoes and took it for a spin before breakfast.
Sunday night was the annual Richards Family Musical. A tradition held since my pops was a young'n. Porter was asked to be Joseph in the Nativity Play. He took the part very seriously and used a nativity set we have to base his costume on. He even studied the way Joseph was standing. If there were Oscars for Best Supporting Role in the Nativity Play, I'm sure he'd get nominated. Baby Jesus, however, was portrayed by a stuffed dog and I think his chances are slim this year.


  1. I love tepanyaki! Okay, well I've only been once, but still, I'm just like Porter--someone cooking just for me?? :) What a fun idea for a birthday dinner!
    I agree, that stuffed dog doesn't even deserve a nomination. lol

  2. HOORAY! what fun.
