Wednesday, January 14

It's Good Word Wednesday!

Around here that's an open invitation to jot down something joyful about your life in this moment, or some good news, or just maybe a funny story about your kid.
We all got good in there somewhere. Find it. Write it. Remember it.
It will make you happy and it will make those that read it happy. Especially me. I guarantee it.

Today I'm taking the funny story about my kid route.

London is two and a half. She's entering into this not-a-baby-but-not-ready-to-be-a-big-kid stage, and it's weird. It's kind of new to me because Porter went from newborn to twenty-five.

Elle's favorite new past-time is gathering. Like, she gathers all her dolls and puts them to "bed" in random spots of the house. Laundry hampers, under the table, in the freezer (that was a creepy discovery). She gathers her hair ties and bows and sorts them into baggies. That's another thing. She's obsessed with everything going into baggies. What's with that? She puts trash into a baggie before she throws it away! I'm thinking this isn't normal.

But I'm getting used to it. I walk into a room and things just aren't quite the way I left them, and that usually means I really just walked into London's latest gathering and sorting project.
Is this a little girl thing that I've been left out on?

So when I opened my dresser drawers I wasn't surprised at all to find this... all five drawers.

I wish she could explain her motives a little better because I bet there's a great story behind this.


  1. wow. popcorn in the bedroom dresser... i think Jeff would think that an EXCELLENT idea :)

    glad you are capturing these moments...

    i don't quite remember doing stuff like this when i was a kid... you know, i was a perfect little angel... never did any wrong... constantly lovable and adorable... ;)
    *too bad my mom didn't record the crazy stuff i did!! *

  2. That's hilarious. Maddy likes to dump things and put them in other places too. Mostly it's her crayons right now, but I've found some pretty funny stuff in funny places too. So maybe it is a girl thing!

  3. Love it Molly! She sounds just like my Kaycie, hmmm.. there must of been something in the water that year!
