Wednesday, August 26

Good Word Wednesday

I feel like today has been such a waste. I had my last real estate continuing education class this morning and now it's after one o'clock and Porter will be home in a couple hours and then it's onto homework, dinner, bedtime and America's Got Talent. So sad. Well, I guess that only leaves time to blog and maybe a nap (she says with a sly smile).

In the spirit of Good Word Wednesday, how about I share a quick funny from my baby girl? The one I sometimes stare at and think, "Where did you come from?" because she is just so clever and independent and beautiful and somehow has us all wrapped around her little finger. The one that brings sunshine with her smiles and makes my life worth living. She and my little brown-eyed boy, of course. I don't know what I would do without them. Smile less and sleep more for sure. But who needs sleep.

So yesterday I had to dash to the grocery for more nails, bleach and juice boxes. Now I never do this, but yesterday was one of those days and I bribed the kids with toys if they were super wonderful and helped me get through the store really quickly. Well, it worked, and Porter picked out a Slinky and London picked out a Tinker Bell key chain with all the bells and whistles.

Quick side note to help you understand the rest of the story: London can't wait for Daisy to be born so she can immediately play Care Bears and tea party with her. She has started a little stash of ribbons, hair bows and her most special dolls to give to Daisy when she finally arrives. London tells "When Daisy is with me..." stories all day long and says that she will help Daisy brush her hair and teeth. I had to brake it to her that Daisy will be born without hair and teeth. London thought that was sad and a little gross. Bottom line; London can't wait.

Back to the grocery story now. So, we finally make it to the check out lane with way more stuff than nails, bleach and juice boxes. The woman behind the counter drops my debit card behind the register and has to go get someone to help her get it out. London is saying she wanted the Tinker Bell Pez dispenser instead of the key chain. It's getting closer and closer to dinner time and I am wishing I would have picked up a pizza from the deli. Porter has climbed onto the bagging turn-table to reach my card because he knows he is a good finder (and actually did find my card, because he actually is a good finder) . The lady behind me is making audible sighing noises, I refuse to turn around and acknowledge her. Dang it, now I have to pee. London is yelling at me. I'm trying to find my wallet in my over sized hobo bag. What is she saying? I whisper, "What, Buttercup? I'm right here, please stop yelling." She is pointing to the Disney Princess key chain and asking me to get it, too. I tell her the deal was just one key chain and we already got the awesome Tinker Bell one. "For Daisy mom! For Daisy!" Okay, let's go over this one more time: "Sugar, Daisy can't play with a Princess key chain. She isn't ready yet." London looks at me in disgust. She screams, "Let her out mom!! Let her out!! Let her out!!" I grab my receipt, give the bagger a smile and pretend everything is just fine as I book it for the exit.

Good grief. Doesn't she know I would if I could. Well, it was a good thing the kids had their Slinky and key chain to play with, because it took five minutes with my head on the steering wheel and the car air on full blast in my face till I could start the drive home. See, I told you it was one of those days.
I bet you never have days like this, do you.
Um, do you?


  1. Every time I see you now I'm going to start chanting "Let her out, Molly! LET HER OUT!"

    Ps: It would be pretty cool if you could let her out before I leave.

  2. ALL. THE. TIME. That's how often I have days like that. :) I also resort to bribery on days that I just can't take it. I'm not ashamed. I hope you get your nap and I had to laugh at the "let her out." That is classic. :)

  3. So sorry.. and sorry I am laughing :)
    And yes, we all have those days. I long for the days when I can just go shopping by myself and then sigh at the mother in front of me with her kids ;)

  4. I never have days like that! OK just kidding. That how it is for me everyday. Life of a trucker wife, I do everything alone. Can you tell I'm having a bad week?

  5. Oh my yes, been there done that. I've always felt a good scream and about a pound of chocolate seems to make those days seem better. ;)

  6. I'm in the middle of writing my own post about just such a day, as a matter of fact :)

    Glad I'm not the only one.

  7. One of those days is my EVERYDAY! My boys are so naughty at the store or anywhere we go. I think I'm embarrassed in front of strangers every day of my life. I like when I get to shop alone - if at all possible. Glad you made it out okay. I know how rough it can be.

  8. I was just thinking about you guys! We were in your neighborhood yesterday...but didn't know which house was yours so we could stop by and say 'HI!'. But maybe that's a good thing...sounds like a rough day yesterday! Hope you got your nap today!!

  9. Just wait till you have 4 of them doing that. :) Ahhh the joys of motherhood. Im glad you didn’t look at the lady behind you, just pretend its all normal and other people are the ones with problems, that's what I do. My new fav. thing though is the fact that my fry's has a kids club where I can let my kids play for 2 hours while I shop in peace.

  10. What a hoot. Funny girl. :)
