Wednesday, November 18

Good Word Wednesday: Happy One Month

Has it really been a whole month since Daisy joined our family? I've taken pictures of my children on their monthly birthday until they reach one year old to document their growth. There's been some debate on who Daisy actually resembles most so I pulled out the one-month birthday pictures of Porter and London to see who Daisy might look like. She reminds me mostly of Porter with the same round head and chubby cheeks, but sometimes she makes the same expressions that London used to at this age. Here, see for your self.
I haven't looked at these pictures for a long time and I forgot how very skinny Porter got during his first month. He doesn't even look like Porter right here. As a new mother I was giving nursing my most earnest effort but turns out that Porter wasn't getting enough to eat. I totally tried every prescription and machine and contraption and councilor. No luck. I can look back now and kinda laugh at the way my now healthy 85-pounder looked like a little bird fallen from the nest too soon, but back then it was no laughing matter. Oh the emotional turmoil! And this is why I am one happy bottle feeding mama with healthy, well fed, chubby babies. By two-months old Porter had gained back all his lost weight and was well on his way to outgrowing his three-month sized clothes. You'll see those pictures next month.
London who was always on the verge of a smile and so happy. We have to really earn a smile from Daisy. At one month London's eyes were already beginning to change to a grey/blue on their way to the dark brown they are today. Daisy's eyes are still very blue (knocking on wood).PhotobucketPhotobucket

Here's Daisy. My smallest but most chubby kid yet. She's a serious eater and sleeper but very cuddly and patient with us all. I'm hoping her mellow personality will rub off on London.

So, you loving Daisy's binkie bling as much as I do? Actually, I just love that Daisy will take a pacie. Porter thought they were a joke and London would always gag on hers. I was thrilled when Daisy naturally took to the pacifier, especially since I already made them. Well, made them better.
The assembly is pretty self explanatory if you look at the above picture. Take your rounded pacie and spread a bead of the 9001 glue (my fav, found at Hobby Lobby) and using tweezers place the gems (also Hobby Lobby but I'm sure found at any craft store) around the outside of the pacie working your way a little glue a little gem at a time toward the middle. I like this glue because it isn't water soluble but it is very sticky. Let the finished pacie cure for 24 hours and then thoroughly clean before giving to baby. You'll be the hit of any baby shower, guaranteed.


  1. Seriously, my mouth dropped when I read that it has been a month already! All three of them are so adorable. They do grow fast don't they??

  2. My vote is she looks like Porter did as a baby. But I do see a little of London. Thanks for the pacifier tutorial, hopefully Brittny or I have a girl so I can make some.

  3. What a cute idea!! Gotta love bling on a paci. I didn't even try a paci with Lucas, as I didn't want to have to take one from him... but miss Alex always wanted to eat, or so I thought, she just always wanted to suck so she had and loved one until she was 1 1/2 or so

  4. I vote Porter! When I saw her up close It was like looking at the girl version of Porter! Ps I am waiting with baited breath for my next change to hold your angel!

  5. I love looking at these baby pictures! So cute!
    Props to your for trying to nurse, it's not an easy ordeal for everyone!
    That binky totally rocks! I'm so making one if we have another girl.

  6. I don't know, I think she looks like...Daisy.

    I love that her paci has bling.

  7. I love her socks! Where did you get the cute mary jane socks?
