Wednesday, January 13

Good Word Wednesday: Eat my dust 2009

We just needed to catch our breaths a little after ending the year of 2009. What a year; a move, a baby, a crazy time. Now that we are almost half-way into January, I think I am ready to extend a hopeful hand of friendship to the new year of 2010.
I asked the members of our little family (that can talk) if they had a favorite event of this past year. Here's what they told me:

's favorite event of 2009 was her birthday. This is no surprise because it's her favorite daily topic. If you were to stop by our house she would quickly scribble you an invitation to her birthday party this coming May. She has it all planned out; we are to have a pinata, candy, cake, party hats and presents (of course). Every night she gets out of bed at least twice to ask me how far away her birthday party is. Every night I give the same answer, "Not tonight. Hop back to bed." But I secretly love that she loves to party plan. She is so my own.

's favorite event was the summer of 2009. "Anything in particular?", I asked. "The whole time we lived with Grandma and Grandpa and had the cousins over all the time." Port just loves a good party, and that was usually what a visit from the cousins or Aunt Arlissa turned into. I bet Porter will have a dozen kids when he is married. Well, I hope he will because I plan on being one amazing Grandmolly.

My favorite
part of 2009 was the month before I was pregnant and the two months after I was pregnant. The nine months in between, not so much my favorite.

's favorite event of 2009 is my most very favorite, too. Daisy. This little smooshie dimpled delivery made the year of 2009 a year of only good memories and happiness. We had an empty spot waiting for her to fill and now everything feels just so right.

Okay 2010, 2009 threw some curve balls, but I'm sure you'll play nice, won't 'cha. We're bringing our A-game so hope you got yours. Play ball.


  1. Amen! I know you didn't ask for an amen, but I'm giving it to ya. 2010--I have high hopes for you (aka no moving, no huge dramas...smooth sailing if you please). :) Love that London is so obsessed with her birthday. In Primary if I ever want to get a shy kid her age talking, I ask about their birthday.

  2. That is a big pinata! Looks like a great year though.

  3. London is so cute! My girls are obsessed with birthday parties at the moment too. It must be a girl thing.

  4. I was not much of a fan of 2009...and we didn't get to bring home a smoochie baby to make it better. 2010 has a lot of pressure to preform better.

  5. What a good year! Here's to another exciting new one with your smooshie dimpled addition!

  6. Out with 2009, although you had some pretty good highlights that we did not have (smooshie sweet baby!), and in with 2010! Congrats and I hope 2010 treats you nice.

  7. I love that you got everyone's views about the past year....when I'm pregnant that consumes everything and all I can think about is, 'oh, yeah. 2006. I WAS PREGNANT.' It's nice to have their memories....and Daisy was worth it, huh!!!

  8. It's nice to see you back in the swing of things. 2009 actually wasn't that bad of a year for us but I'm up for 2010 being better than the last.
