Friday, April 16

Mamma knows best

Yesterday we played beauty shop at Aunt Colleen's house where Jessica gave London her first perm. In true London fashion, it was anything but boring. I wanted London to tell me the story of the perm in her words but when I asked her what happened all she said was, "I cried." Which is very true and pretty much sums it up. 

Colleen and Nola and Jess and I tried every kind of bribery to keep London happy and occupied while Jessica could wrap her head in the perm rods. Considering London only holds still an average of three minutes at a time, she did really well. 
For me, at least, all the tears and yelling "I hate playing beauty shop! I hate the beauty!", the end results were worth it.
"Porter, I look like a lion now! Rawwwrrhhh!"
I see a lot of Chelsea in this picture.

This experience made me remember when my Aunt Colleen would come over and help my mom wrap me and my sisters hair in perms every summer. Girls, do you remember this? I remember not liking it at all and how happy I was when the rods were finally taken out. My hair felt like it had been replaced with ramen noodles and mom would glow and say how lovely her girls all looked on Sunday morning with our matching curls and bows. Now I understand how mom could spend a whole day wrapping the heads of five weepy girls and a million stinky wet towels. Boy do I love being the mamma now.

P.S. A huge thanks to Jessica, who has proven she can do hair in any situation. And my Aunites Colleen and Nola for knowing just what to do and making two nieces feel really special. And to sweet Meagan, who I used to hold as a baby, for holding my baby.


  1. Hahaha and that's what she said when i asked her if it was fun... "i cried. and it was stinky"

    I DO remember getting my hair permed. And sitting in front of the TV not being able to move.

    London looks soooo cute!

  2. She looks super cute! I love that she thought she looks like a lion!

    My hair always looked like a had a perm when I was a kid I'm glad I didn't ever have to smell the nasty perm smell though. =)

  3. Mama does know best! What a cutie. I laughed over the lion comment--sounds like something Maddy would say!

  4. How could I forget the semi-annual perms! We always got one while Dad and Chris were gone at Father's and Son's and yes they were very stinky! Molly I don't think London's head is as ginormous as mine was when I was here age but I am sure glad I grew into mine! You can't even tell she butchered her hair just days before either, she makes a very lovely Curly King!
