Thursday, May 20

Seven Months Old

On May 16th, 2010 Daisy turned seven months old.

She can sit up all by herself.
She uses the big girl high chair to eat solid foods.
She hates carrots.
She loves applesauce and bananas.

She tries to hold her bottle on her own, but hasn't quite figured it out yet.
She has enough hair to form into a little curl on top.
She loves bath time but hates having her face washed.
She wants to crawl so bad but rolling everywhere is working out just fine.
She cries when something is taken away that she wasn't done playing with.


  1. And she has the cutest little fingernails! She is growing up way to fast for me, guess I should just get one of those for myself.

  2. I wish a had a chubby baby, she looks so snuggly!I loved to paint B's nails when she was a baby.

  3. She is adorable! I love her chunky thighs:)

  4. Loved all those pictures. She's so happy and cute!

  5. Those fingernails did me in with cuteness. I love these updates you do, they are so fun to read now and will be even more fun for your kids to read someday when they are older! I also loved the baby spitting video and the marble shoot. I totally agree about the video game thing bytheway. John has a wii, but he is the only one that will ever play it. Duct tape sounds like a pretty good alternative.
