Thursday, July 1

Touching base...

    My PC must have discovered my Mac affair because it won't accept the rest of my pictures from Colorado to download. I will keep working on it because I still have two days to talk about and you have to see what Katie Mae's hair looks like when you braid it. One word: Rawr!

    I've been trying to catch up on my sleep these last few days of being back home and back to being the mommy. My sunflowers started to bloom without me and they look amazing. I would share a picture of them with you, but, you know. Mr. PC...get with the game. You are replaceable you know!

    I've restocked the pantry and caught up on the laundry. Now I'm getting everything together for our annual trip to Heber, AZ on the 4th of July. We'll be gone through Sunday and I wonder if my ward is beginning to think we've gone inactive. Hope not. But with me gone so much these past months, they might understand why we postponed Cub Scouts for the summer. I hope I can get my pictures up before we leave tomorrow so I don't get too behind. I haven't even posted Daisy's 8-month birthday pictures yet. She's got two teeth and army crawls everywhere now, ya know.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you just got back and are up to another trip so fast! You are truly superwoman and I want some of your super powers stat!
