Tuesday, February 1

Forgotten Holidays - Part One: Halloween 2010

I know I've already documented Halloween 2010 with pictures of Porter as a ghost, London as a puppy, and Daisy as a pumpkin. Here are sights of us fulfilling the mandatory pumpkin carving prior to the night of trick and treating to round off October's traditions.

At first, Porter said he would just draw the face on his Jack-o-lantern, I thought that was the best idea ever, then he was done in two minutes and decided he would go ahead and carve. So I got out the big seed bowl and the dull knives I keep for things like this and we cut into them.

Daisy wanted to just hold hers all night. She was so in love with her little pumpkin.

London's pumpkin had like three faces. She tried to carve them all out and the pumpkin collapsed. It was sad at first and then very, very, funny.

Pumpkin Head:

Porter hates dirty hands and sticky stuff (won't even wear a "Great Job!" sticker on his shirt) so digging into this huge pumpkin pot of seeds and strings was good therapy.

London said, "Eek! My pumpkin gots a spider and it made webs inside!" I guess she didn't remember last year's pumpkin clean-out and the stringy pumpkin flesh. We all got a good laugh about London's pumpkin spider.

Daisy hated the pumpkin seeds but kept eating them anyways just to spit them out. Stinker.

These lasted exactly one week before I noticed juiciness dripping down the bricks and a flock of fruit flies hovering. Off to the happy pumpkin hunting ground, they went. Picked, cut, carved, lit on fire, left to rotten, and then tossed in the trash. Such is the life of a Halloween pumpkin.

Thank you Jack-o-lanterns across the world for your sacrifice. Thank you for lighting up my children's beautiful faces and giving me pictures like these.

October was a busy month. Preparing and then taking our vacation to Florida, celebrating Olen and Daisy's birthdays, I had to write my second short story for class (not as easy as I thought it would be), Porter's school class parties, and Halloween.

After October was over it was time to think of Thanksgiving, a holiday that is quickly soaring to the top of my favorite list, and how we would be spending it in Ft. Collins, Colorado. 
Join us next time for Part Two of Forgotten Holidays: Thanksgiving in FoCo.


  1. It's about time you got all caught up! (but I'm one to talk!) Can't wait till Oak is big enough to enjoy stuff like pumpkin carving!

  2. Thanks for updating the blog. I am getting close enough to being ready to update mine. Anyway , daisy makes the cutest faces!
