Wednesday, March 30

November in a Nutshell: Hair Today...

Before we left for our Thanksgiving road trip Olen and Porter went to have their hair cut by the Reynolds' family resident hairdresser, our sister-in-law Cara.

Daisy is my only baby to actually have hair before her second birthday and it was time to clean up the mullet. She did great and stood so still only moving a little to see what was going on in the back of her head.

Daisy's first haircut: November 2010

When we got home from Thanksgiving I was having my hair done by Jessica and after being so frustrated with London's hair growing funny (remember when she cut a clump out of the back last summer?) I asked Jess to change it up a bit.

It took some serious negotiations and a few ring pops, but London finally got excited about the idea of a new "do". I loved her short haircut! London doesn't like ponytails, so her long hair was a hassle. The short cut was easy to wash, fix, and always looked done. London liked her short hair for a while but has now decided that she wants long hair "like mommy". How can I argue with that? Her hair grows pretty quickly and is already down to her shoulders but I forgot how long it was until I pulled up these pictures.

Jess had to work pretty fast before London had time to change her mind.

So chic!

I just love having girls.


  1. I am in love with short hair, And seeing London's hair makes me want to chop mine! RESISTING TEMPTATIONS!

  2. I notice that your little sign saying you will blog every day is GONE!!! I am outraged. I am sending around a petition asking for it to come back....or I guess I'll just take what I can get which is pretty good too. ;) when are you coming to visit your sister (and therefore me as well)?? love ya

  3. Short hair is very cute, but there's just something about long hair... I chopped Cecily's hair for the very reason a few years ago but she still screamed when I brushed it so I decided we'll just grow it out then!

    Daisy is such a sweetie...
