Tuesday, February 24

Turns out that we couldn't have just one dog.

While Porter was at school London and Danger would romp and roll all over the yard and in the dirt. Then when Port would get home he wanted the dog all to himself to teach it how to sit and roll over and fetch. There was just not enough doggie to love. So we had to get Danger some company, and reinforcement.
This dog would be London's so we let her choose its name. Knowing that her favorite movie at the moment is Sleeping Beauty, the name she chose is no surprise. When I put the spotted pup in her lap and asked her what we should call her, London said without hesitation, "Make it Pink!" (Remember that part in the movie where the fairies fight over the color of Sleeping Beauty's dress? London always votes for the pink one.)
So now here is the newest member of the family, Pink.

Guess what?! I forgot that I will be out of town on Friday (how I forgot I don't know, it's kind of a big deal and I'll probably talk about it all tomorrow) so that means that I'll be pushing the deadline for apron names till Monday. Have I mentioned how you guys are total allstars?! Seriously, you rock.