Porter came home from school yesterday...
"Mom, a boy at recess said that his step-dad and mom are rich. Are we rich, too? What's being rich?"
"Rich is when you have a lot of something. Like Aunt Arlissa's chocolate cakes are 'rich' because they have a lot of chocolate in them."
"Oh! Then we are rich!"
"Yeah? We are, huh?"
"Yeah, because we have a lot of love."
"Yeah. We are. Huh."
"Mom, a boy at recess said that his step-dad and mom are rich. Are we rich, too? What's being rich?"
"Rich is when you have a lot of something. Like Aunt Arlissa's chocolate cakes are 'rich' because they have a lot of chocolate in them."
"Oh! Then we are rich!"
"Yeah? We are, huh?"
"Yeah, because we have a lot of love."
"Yeah. We are. Huh."
Oh, my gosh. That's one of those moments when you can pat yourself on the back 'cuz you know you're doing something right. Great answer, from you and from Porter. Good job, Molly, you are an awesome mom.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds too perfect to be real, I think you made it up! haha Just kiddin' Pal! Good job teaching him what means the most in life.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope I raise my boys as good as you!
ReplyDeletemolly. stop trying to make your kids look cute!
ReplyDeletei am going to ask porter if her really said that next time i see him!!!!!!
jk jk jk that is so precious! it should be on a hallmark card!!!!!!!!
What a cutie! You have such cute kids Molly.
ReplyDeleteNow that was rich :o) lol All kidding aside, that was special. You really are rich. What a special boy you have there...a real keeper!
ReplyDeleteare you kidding?! you better bottle him up, he is too cute!