Sunday, September 21

Saturday is a special day...

Saturday Chores. That's what it was called growing up at my parents' house. Olen would like to spread out the house-scrubbing and lawn-mowing through out the week, so that we can just chill on Saturday as a fam and have time to do stuff together. I think that's a beautiful idea; but it never happens. Saturday ends up being the junk-drawer of the week and everything that didn't get done in the other six days gets shoved into Saturday. One of these days (or years) we'll get everything sorted out and in its place and then let Saturday have a break.

Our backyard was a crazy jungle of Bermuda grass and Texas sage. After one hour in the lovely AZ sun and a gallon of kool-aid later the 'outside work' for the day was done. I actually did do a little house-scrubbing during the week (in my sauna suit - I love it love it) so we did get time to go do stuff as a family today.We went with our Reynolds gang to the Mesquite Aquatic Center (Val Vista and Riggs) and got our swim on. Then had a picnic. It was fab. After all; all work and no play is not what life is about. Can I get a witness?


  1. Cute backyard! Even cuter kids! And you can get an amen from me!

  2. I hope that you ate "Super Saturday Sandwiches" for lunch! Great job "working together".

  3. I haven't seen your yard since you had it looks so pretty! Fun Saturdays are great, but it's also a great feeling to get something accomplished that really needed it, too. ;)

  4. MOLLY! YOU ARE IMMODEST! everything i knew to have value and truth is shattered into a million pieces and lying on the floor! now what am i to do with my life?!

  5. Say yes to keeping your temple covenants.
