Saturday, November 29

I hope your Thanksgiving was this good.
Be back on Monday.

Wednesday, November 26

Good Word Wednesday
Today, my good word is...
Last week my sister Chelsea (you know I have like seven of them, and five brothers too!) became engaged.

The lucky guy? Mitch Patterson (we love you, Mitch!). A long time friend of the family and fellow H.A. Alumni. Chelsea and Mitch have been friends since high school and have now found their way back into each other's lives. This time for good.

What is so rad about this, is that it makes the fourth marital union created (out of the six married and engaged kids my mom and dad have) that were formed from friendships made at our beloved high school. Not too shabby for a school that produces graduating classes of forty-two.

So now more party planning and celebrating to come. Oh yeah.

So, welcome to the family, Mitch. It's about time.

And have a wonderful....

I'll be stuffing my face with pumpkin. What's your favorite pie?

Monday, November 24

I checked Porter out early from school on Friday so we could all go play at Nana's house. That's okay, right? Olen says 'no', but I say 'yes'. Well, once in a while, yes.
I had a real estate continuing education class in the morning and projects to get done in Mesa that took the rest of the afternoon. I am almost done with my Christmas projects! Hip! Hip!
Saturday whizzed by with laundry catch up and other housekeeping tasks. Porter and I went for our Saturday morning three-mile bike ride and run with London in the jogging stroller. I love these moments. I'm teaching Porter hand signals and road safety. I let him "guide" us home and choose the route we go on. London likes to have Porter ride along with us. She says "Too far, Poe! Come back!" about a million times.
Porter said his arms and back got tired from the handle bars being too close to his chest. Me thinks some one needs a new bike. Someone with a birthday next month. Maybe he'll be able to go four miles then...hum.
Sunday was the Primary Program. My very favorite of all Programs. Porter delivered his line like an allstar. He looked so sharp up there with his glasses and tie; I got teary-eyed looking at my little pre-missionary man from my seat and thinking how time is going by way too fast for this mama.
London caught a cold some where in between Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Her right eye is all gooped over and she has a runny nose that gets wiped on her sleeve before I get back with the Kleenex. I'm hoping that with a boosted dose of vitamin c and rest we can kick this cold before Thanksgiving. We've had some passed-bed-time nights lately and we all need to be sleeping more.
So tell me this. Why was Porter potty trained in one week, never to wet the bed again, and London hides behind the drapes to "go" in her panties? What the heck. I started both at two and a half. I set the timer on the microwave to every fifteen minutes so that I can ask London if she needs to go potty. We did the candy thing, the sticker thing, we called grandmas and did the happy dance for going in the big-girl potty. So, why? I know it's been four and a half years since I did this potty-training thing, but I'm pretty sure I remember how it goes. Maybe I'm just not staying on top of it like I did with Porter? Or maybe Elle's just way too much of a spaz and needs to wait on it awhile longer? Porter has always caught on to new things quickly. Is this a sign for how things will be with my daughter? Yikes.
I keep buying the smaller bags of diapers (instead of the usual box of 120) saying "This is my last bag of diapers". Then the next week I say "No, really. This will be my last bag of diapers."
The way things are going, I see no last bag of diapers in sight.
Frustrated Mother Seeks Advice On Potty-Training Spazy and Sassy, Mostly Adorable and Marvelous, Two-Year Old Princess.

Friday, November 21

Flashback Friday
The year, 2007.
The day, Thanksgiving Day.

I woke up early and got dressed in the running clothes I laid out the night before. My friend Kristen met me out front and we rode into Mesa to join thousands of other crazy people who love to run, for no good reason, at the Mesa Turkey Trot. We got there just in time to sign in and wait in line to use the port-a-potty before the 10K route.
I was determined to finish this 10K (my third) sub 60 (under 60 minutes). I arranged the perfect playlist on my iPod that lasted exactly 60 minutes and recalibrated my Nike+ shoe sensor so that it would read the miles just right.
I crossed the finish line at 57 minutes. That’s what is called good enough for me. Then the nausea started. That’s what is called dehydration. I made a beeline for the bathroom and splashed cold water on my neck and lay in the grass for a few minutes while sucking on an orange slice. Guess I should have stopped at that last water station, but, oh well. I was sub 60 and it felt great. Dizzy spells and all.

My little family decided to branch out on our family tree and dine with my extended Richards family. We shared a beautiful meal at the Johnson’s home in Mesa and got to catch up with cousins I only see a few times a year, usually. The only thing missing were the black olives. I left five cans of olives sitting on my kitchen island in QC! I think it was the first time in Thanksgiving history that we dined sans olives. The kids’ fingertips were very bare last year.

As I sit here trying to remember what we did after we ate (oh, did we ate!) - I get nothing. Visiting the in-laws sounds like something we would do; probably so Olen could get his mom’s pecan pie fix. And we would also go see a movie with the adults in the evening. Must have been a very memorable movieAnyways. It was a really great day! I do remember that.

This year my sister-in-law and I have been promising each other we would do the Turkey Trot together. But since we won’t be in town for Mesa's, we’re going to run our own 10K trot Thanksgiving morning. It’s the first race I could actually place in. I could either come in first or second! (bu-dump-bump!) I just hope it doesn’t snow. Well, not until we get home. Then, let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

The best part of running races is getting a t-shirt. I’ve got quite a stash of race t-shirts and I’m planning on having a quilt made by this quilting expert out of them. Carrie, I’m racing in January and another biggie in February and then I’m placing my order!!

The best part of Thanksgiving is family and being with those you love. I love teaching my children about the Pilgrims and their first Thanksgiving on those cold, rocky shores. How this day got started because groups of faithful families and strangers gathered and were thankful for their freedoms in this land that would provide for them and a God who would bless them. Funny. Hundreds of years later, things really haven’t changed that much.

(And I bet they didn’t have black olives either.)

Wednesday, November 19

Good Word Wednesday cont.

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Good Word Wednesday!

If you're new in town, let me explain how Good Word Wednesday works.

On these most cheerful of days (half-way to the weekend!) take a moment to pause and ponder on what makes you happy. Something big, little, funny, serious, whatever.

Then pass it on for others to find joy in.

Lately I've been thinking about Thanksgiving. I really like the name of this holiday. Thanksgiving. Givingthanks. And that got me thinking about what a rad holiday this is and how it just doesn't get the play it deserves. Poor thing, sandwiched right in the middle of crazy and careless Halloween and the climax-of-the-year Christmas.

Thanksgiving is more than just a deadline date to have our Christmas shopping done. This little 'ol holiday doesn't ask anything of us. Candy consumption is down to a minimum. No presents to buy. All that Thanksgiving asks is that we enjoy the company of family and friends and eat our hearts out. And maybe in the process the thought will cross our minds to be thankful for all that we have been blessed with. What better timing to recall all our blessings than at the end of the year? We have had eleven wonderful months packed with silver linings and random acts of kindness.

On this one-week-before-Thanksgiving-Eve I am just feeling full of thanks.

Today I am feeling especially thankful for my healthy family (knock on wood).

Last night on the news - and I never watch the news - I saw this story about a lady who was told she had a brain tumor. She went to have it removed and it turned out that it was not a tumor - but a worm! Ah! In her brain! Ah! I had a mini-sized panic attack and had to immediately wash my hands. She got it from eating undercooked pork. She is a beautiful Christian woman who said that her health was because of answered prayers and now she doesn't take a single day for granted. When her kids ask for her, she no longer says "Just a minute" but now says "I'm on my way".
I love that. I'm on my way.

What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 17

How do the weekends get so busy? I would love to wake up one Saturday morning and say "Wow...I have nothing to do today." But then I would probably be complaining that I'm so bored.

Friday night Olen and I got away to enjoy the Mesa Temple and a peaceful night out together.
Then came Saturday morning where I did a whole day's worth of cleaning and laundry in three hours so I could spend the day in Mesa showing houses to clients I couldn't refuse.
Olen had back-to-back appointments so he went one way and the kids and I went another. The day ended by falling asleep half way through a boring movie and not even caring who the double agent really was. Olen told me in the morning, anyways.

Sunday is typically the most busiest day of the whole week. It should be the opposite, right? Day of rest and all that it is. I like to have a big breakfast on Sunday mornings because church doesn't start until 2 o'clock and we usually are too busy to stop for lunch. So I make breakfast, then clean breakfast. Then I go straight into dinner prep because we get home at 5:30 and having cold cereal for Sunday dinner is not an option. So then I make dinner, then clean dinner. Then it's time to lay out the clothes and clean up the kids. Then it's time to go to church. Then we do church. Then we come home. Then we eat dinner. Then we clean up dinner, again. Then it's time to get ready for bed. Then go to bed. And that's the only part of my day of rest, that I actually get to rest.

Luckily, this Sunday was a little more easy going. Olen and Porter left in the morning for St. David to celebrate a family friend's 50th wedding anniversary and catch up with his hometown buddies. A pit stop to check up on his General Lee was also in the plans. It's down there getting a new engine, so we can bring it up here and sell it. Tell your friends!
So while the boys went south for the day, Elle and I got gussied up for church and a dinner at Nana and Papa's house. London sat so still while I wrapped her hair in curlers for the first time. When I removed the curlers just before walking out the door for church I was so excited with the curly results I said "It worked! Oh, you're so pretty!" Then as I was slipping on my shoes I saw her looking in the mirror saying "I pretty. I so pretty!" And, well, she is, ya know.

I hope your weekend was just the way you wanted it.

What kept you busy? Or bored?

Friday, November 14

Flashback Friday

First, I need to give some blog love to let me think on it for coming up with this weekly post idea that I love a lot, a lot. You are so very awesome and thank you for sharing!

This week's flashback comes from my dear Daddio and Mamasita Bonita.

This weekend marks the thirtieth anniversary of the day they met back in 1978. Aren't they smokin'?! My parents were so hip for their time; I know I saw that jacket and swank blue dress in a magazine yesterday.

Here's the love story in a nutshell: So, my folks met in November at a young single adult dance. Dad thought mom was hot but too shy (vague on the details here, because I don't believe my dad has a shy bone in his body) to just ask my mom out on a date, so he looked up her address in the phone book. Wait. I think my mom already had a boyfriend of sorts. Yup, I think that was it. Anyways, he would drive up and down her street gaining the courage to ask her out. Turns out he was driving up and down my mom's grandma's street - so he never saw her! Oh daddio.

Then dad tried where mom worked. My mom was a modern woman clipping hair like an allstar. Dad would go down and wait for her to cut his hair. Then they became friends. Then they started dating. Dad was a Westwood High Warrior and Mom a Hometown High Jackrabbit (bitter school rivals). They were a regular Romeo and Juliet.

Dad was a track star and mom loved a good run too, so they enjoyed going together. One day while out of breath and head over heels, my dad says to my mom "I love you"! Mom said the same and so in August they tied the knot. Now, thirty years, thirteen kids and countless wonderful and priceless memories later they're still just two kids in love.

Wednesday, November 12

Good Word Wednesday!

London said George was yucky and needed to be cleaned.

She kept saying "Gross! Monkey poop. Oh no."

(Don't ya dig the gnarly bed head?!)

Have a beautiful day and spread the good word!

Tuesday, November 11

One Nation Under God.

Happy Veteran's Day!
Yesterday Porter's school held a Veteran's Day breakfast and flag ceremony. It was just super. The school invited the Veterans of the families to attend and Porter chose his Grandpa Billy Ray. The six-graders from different Boy Scout troops raised the flag and we said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the National Anthem together. I could barely manage " of the free and home of the brave" at the end of the song because I was so choked up with pride for my country and the feeling of hope coming from the school children. The kids sang the first verse from all the hymns of the different branches of US Military. As they sang, the veterans of that branch stood and we applauded them. There were grandpas and dads and even moms that stood. The Principal said that there were students that had parents serving our country right now. This made my heart go out to those boys and girls who are one parent short at home for my sake and for the sake of our great country. I wanted to applaud those boys and girls, too.

So, in honor of our Veterans we take the day off. I guess kind of to say, "Thanks for your time of service and strife, now let's all just chill for a day"?
Well, I don't know why we all take a day off, but I'm not complaining. We're taking the kiddos to the Imax. Any recommendations?

Monday, November 10

This weekend our cars devised a plot to both have brake downs within twelve hours of each other. Uncool. This put a little damper on our weekend plans. Gratefully my in-laws lent us their car while Olen used his mechanical genius to bring our cars back to life.

Saturday after having a good time with Clar and Kristen showing them houses in Laveen (this girl works hard for the money), the kiddies and I got to hang out in Mesa with Nana and Papa and watch them reseed their lawn. Porter was having so much fun playing in the old hen house with Aubrey, so Elle and I dashed over to watch Bethany and Chase's engagement picture photo shoot. It made me so excited for our upcoming family pictures that I had to go out and get our new picture duds that night. Kohl's was having a killer sale so I went and scored big time. I spied an awesome $50 dress on the clearance rack {the place I go to first} and after all my discounts I scored it for - drum roll please - $2.75! Ha! So I wore my new dress to church the next day. Too bad I didn't take any pictures. I totally rocked that two-seventy-five dress in a fifty-dollar way.
Sunday evening we got to host the monthly Reynolds FHE and potluck. Aren't potlucks the best? I don't think they get the credit they deserve. I mean, c'mon, you only have to make one dish but you get to enjoy the whole meal. I believe a lot of world peace would occur if we just looked at life like one big potluck.
My one dish was the dessert. Olen made homemade ice cream (from milking Peter we get a lot of cream around here) and I made Big Mama Lou's Texas Sheet Cake. It's pretty much the best food there is. I had some for breakfast already. And I'll probably have some for lunch, too. It's that good. It's my mother's recipe and a sure crowd pleaser. Here's the how-to so you can go please your crowd today.

Big Mama Lou's Texas Sheet Cake
2c sugar
2c flour
1/4c cocoa
1T cinnamon
1T chili powder (my own rendition)
1c melted butter
1c warm water
2 eggs
1/2c butter milk
1t baking soda
Pour butter over mixed sugar, flour,cocoa, cinnamon and chili powder in large mixing bowl. Mix till combined. Dissolve baking soda in milk and set aside. Add water and eggs and mix well. Add milk and soda mixture. I use the whip attachment and whip till smooth. Whip it good. Pour into greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes. Allow to cool for ten to fifteen minutes then frost. The secret to a really moist cake is to frost it while still a little warm.


1/2c melted butter
1/4c cocoa
1 bag powder sugar
milk as needed

Pour melted butter over mixed cocoa and 2 cups sugar. Mix till combined. Continue to add sugar and milk till desired consistency is reached. Family favorite add ins: mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, walnuts or pecans, toffee bits...anything.

Shown here with mini marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles (meant as an ice cream topping) frosting.

Friday, November 7

Hi. My name is London. And I'm a recovering bottleholic.
It's been five days since my last bottle. I finally just quit cold-turkey and threw them all in the trash. Yeah, It's tough, ya know, man. My mom says everything will be good. I'm trying to be a big girl about the whole thing, but really I'm sad and a little cranky. Okay. A lot cranky. Ya happy, now? It helps when my mom lays with me at nap time. But at bedtime, when the chapter from our book is over, I'm on my own. It's hard, but I do it. Yeah, sometimes I get into these crying fits that can last for like ten minutes. I mean, c'mon. A sippie? No. Those are for lightweights. Then my mom keeps saying "Yea for Ellie! What a big girl!" and I stop and that makes me feel happy for a while. Then I start to wonder about who's idea it really was to throw my bottles in the trash. And you know what? I don't think it was my idea. I liked my bottles, man. I only took two a day, anyways. Maybe three sometimes if we went for a long drive. Then I get real angry again and remind my mom that this wasn't my plan. But then she holds me and we watch Yo Gabba Gabba together and take a nap on her bed with the big pillows. Well, I kinda do like that plan. It's just that sometimes being a big girl isn't easy.

Thursday, November 6

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do.

Each morning on the route to school we check the rear-view mirror thermometer to see if we have a record low. Today it read 45 degrees. New record! I was so cold when I finally managed to rise this morning (Gravity was really heavy at my house today. We all struggled to get up.). My most favorite time of the year is finally here. Let me hear ya say it - Sweater Weather!!
I managed to live through another Arizona summer and now I am ready to enjoy the reason why Arizona rocks the country. The best weather from November to April. You want snow? No prob. Take a two and half hour drive north and you're in Flagstaff and the snow (take the scenic route through Sedona - even better). You want skiing? We've got that. In a few hours you've got bunny slopes to pro down hills at Sunrise. You want sunshine and green leaves? Right here in Little-Big Town. Great fishing and lakes? Camping? Sand dunes? We got that all here in AZ.
Oh man, I love being an Arizona Girl.

Something else I love? Being organized and getting free stuff. Especially when the stuff is rad.
Introcuded to me from this happy place is this little gem. I am a list-o-maniac and already have a steno notebook filled with what to make and who it's for. This website is just for me. (And every other OCD organizer out there.) As for the free stuff, well I'm totally blowing my odds here, but when you check into said happy place, you'll figure it out. Plus, I'm sure you'll want to visit again. The more happy places the better. Yup.

Monday, November 3

Halloween. I really don't understand you. We stress out to think of what to dress up as. Then put it all together so it can be disassembled as we walk in the dark through streets of strangers and beg for candy. Whatever.
Porter stayed in character all night; this is the most he smiled in all my pictures. London would twirl around in circles to see her fluffy skirt fly.
Olen and I left the Hulk and Witchy with mom & dad-in-law so we could gorge on deep-fried Oreoes with the other big kids over at Chris and Katie's Miller St. Cottage. Have you ever had a deep-fried Oreo?! Wow. I'm converted. "It's a party in my tummy."
After sorting out the candy bars to make our traditional day-after-Halloween-candy-bar-ice-cream, then hiding the best ones (tootsie rolls) up in a secret spot, I vacuum pack the rest and added it to the year supply for a rainy day.
In the end, I guess all kids, small and big and in-between, had a pretty good night. But I'm still glad it's a once a year deal.