Thursday, November 6

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do.

Each morning on the route to school we check the rear-view mirror thermometer to see if we have a record low. Today it read 45 degrees. New record! I was so cold when I finally managed to rise this morning (Gravity was really heavy at my house today. We all struggled to get up.). My most favorite time of the year is finally here. Let me hear ya say it - Sweater Weather!!
I managed to live through another Arizona summer and now I am ready to enjoy the reason why Arizona rocks the country. The best weather from November to April. You want snow? No prob. Take a two and half hour drive north and you're in Flagstaff and the snow (take the scenic route through Sedona - even better). You want skiing? We've got that. In a few hours you've got bunny slopes to pro down hills at Sunrise. You want sunshine and green leaves? Right here in Little-Big Town. Great fishing and lakes? Camping? Sand dunes? We got that all here in AZ.
Oh man, I love being an Arizona Girl.

Something else I love? Being organized and getting free stuff. Especially when the stuff is rad.
Introcuded to me from this happy place is this little gem. I am a list-o-maniac and already have a steno notebook filled with what to make and who it's for. This website is just for me. (And every other OCD organizer out there.) As for the free stuff, well I'm totally blowing my odds here, but when you check into said happy place, you'll figure it out. Plus, I'm sure you'll want to visit again. The more happy places the better. Yup.


  1. yes, being an Arizona girl has its pluses... *sigh*

    and if i looked as cute as you when i browse the net... i think my husband wouldn't mind that i do it so often :)

    good luck with the free stuff and planning your holiday! :)

  2. wow, that Christmas countdown site was awesome but intense. It made me start getting overwhelmed just looking at it. I guess that means I'm just a wannabe! lol

  3. How weird I just found that organized Christmas site yesterday and was on it for a while. I love to organize all my presents I have to make but then it make me really anxious cause I have not started yet. YIKES! So when are we having our craft day Molly? huh huh?

  4. Yay for Christmas!!! And yay for finally cooling off. My trees are finally thinking about dropping their leaves. ;)
