Friday, November 7

Hi. My name is London. And I'm a recovering bottleholic.
It's been five days since my last bottle. I finally just quit cold-turkey and threw them all in the trash. Yeah, It's tough, ya know, man. My mom says everything will be good. I'm trying to be a big girl about the whole thing, but really I'm sad and a little cranky. Okay. A lot cranky. Ya happy, now? It helps when my mom lays with me at nap time. But at bedtime, when the chapter from our book is over, I'm on my own. It's hard, but I do it. Yeah, sometimes I get into these crying fits that can last for like ten minutes. I mean, c'mon. A sippie? No. Those are for lightweights. Then my mom keeps saying "Yea for Ellie! What a big girl!" and I stop and that makes me feel happy for a while. Then I start to wonder about who's idea it really was to throw my bottles in the trash. And you know what? I don't think it was my idea. I liked my bottles, man. I only took two a day, anyways. Maybe three sometimes if we went for a long drive. Then I get real angry again and remind my mom that this wasn't my plan. But then she holds me and we watch Yo Gabba Gabba together and take a nap on her bed with the big pillows. Well, I kinda do like that plan. It's just that sometimes being a big girl isn't easy.


  1. Oh, poor kid. And poor mom. That's tough. :( Cute story, though. Gotta wonder if that's what she's really thinking. :)

  2. i will send you good vibes lala. hang in there. i was once a bottlholic myself. 18 years bottle free and counting.

  3. millions suffer with it... you are not alone.

  4. OHH! Poor girl! It really stinks to grow up sometimes. Your mom really does love you...honest!

  5. That is so cute! I could almost hear her saying it. :) Loved reading your posts.

  6. I totally hear ya...though ours was the pacifier! Bottles were cake compared to taking their "plugs" away! Good luck friend..I'm rootin' for ya both!

  7. I got one of those crazy bottleaholics at my house too! Makes me feel better to know there are others out there with the disease. There is hope! lol

  8. Is there a support group for this kinda thing? We're dealing with this in our home and I gotta tell ya it's rough stuff! :)
