Saturday, January 31

Wednesday, January 28

Good Word Wednesday!

Let's break out them good words.

Can I just say how much I love having the TV turned back on? It's a long story. No it's not. See, we turned off the TV because we found we were staying up late watching all those amazing Food Network shows (Alton do I love thee? My girl Paula! Unwrapped!) and then we would get hungry and so I would whip a little sum'thing-sum'thing up in the kitchen and BAM! there we would be up way too late, eating way too much. Bad Molly! (LOL, Ad Set girls!!) Plus Porter would get sucked into the Sponge Bobs and Timmy Turners and those shows don't fly with this mama. We're not going to do that anymore. Pinkie promise.
But tonight (and last) what sweet hour of vegetation bliss called American Idol! What is it about that show that makes laughing at these clueless-hope-filled people alright (and yes, sometimes funny)? They know what they're getting themselves into, right? Possible public mockery. I bet they have to sign something. I'm sure it's fine print, but they've got to have some sort of disclaimer. We got pretty involved with the show last season, too, mostly because my High School Alumni, Brooke White, was on. I think that's when I got hooked. Other shows that have me hooked include The Office (DIE hard fan. You can quiz me.) and, well, that's pretty much all I've got time for.

I'm wondering what's got you hooked?
I just left the first message explaining why I love The Office. Now, what's so great about your show?

What is YOUR SHOW?
Or, if you love The Office, tell me your favorite one!!!

Monday, January 26

A busy week sure turned into a lazy weekend. By Friday night I was ready for some R&R. Olen had made plans with his buddy to take the kids out fishing Friday evening and I flaked out on GNO plans (sorry girlfriends, I'm sure it was rad, I'll be there next time) to stay home and dust off the cobwebs from some long forgotten projects in my unusually quiet house.

Porter played another entertaining game of flag football on Saturday. I'm still trying to figure out how this game works. I really just yell my heart out for whichever little boy from our team has the ball. Porter doesn't care if his team wins or not. In fact, since no one is technically keeping score, his coach tells them that it was a "tied" game every time. Porter's thinking is, as long as we don't loose, who cares who wins. I'm not so sure how I feel about this philosophy. But Porter sure is loving it.

Since church doesn't start till late I felt like baking something to kill the time. As I was flipping through one of my favorite cookbooks (King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Cooking) I found a recipe for wheat thins! So simple, so I gave it a try.

Wheat Thins
1 1/4 c whole wheat flour
1 1/2 T sugar
1/2 t salt
1/4 t paprika
4 T butter
1/4 c water
1/4 t vanilla

Combine flour, sugar, salt and paprika in a medium bow. Cut in butter (I use my KitchenAid and whip attachment to make this step go fast). Combine water and vanilla and add to flour mixture, mixing until smooth (looks like playdough).
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Divide dough into four pieces. Lightly flour work surface and roll one piece out at a time to 1/16-in thick rectangle. Trim corners and cut into squares with a pizza cutter.

Transfer to a cookie sheet (I found that if you let the squares sit for about five minutes, they were easier to transfer and kept their shape better), sprinkle with salt or cinnamon sugar,and bake for 5 to 7 minutes.

Watch closely because they go from golden brown to toast in thirty seconds.

My tough critics all agreed that they were "very hearty with the home-ground wheat" and "kind of like the store bought wheat thins". But they were so easy to make, I think they were close enough.

Sunday, January 25

What? You mean this isn't what Sunday evening looks like at your place?

This game is called "Dodgeball Down The Hall".
I was suppose to be "keeping score", but Porter was totally getting spanked, so I decided my time would be better spent capturing this moment for future generations. I think London was the winner in this game because she managed to always be in the line of fire, but never get hit.

I'll show my grandchildren when they ask me why their dad is crazy and then they'll understand where he gets it from.

Friday, January 23

Get ready. Get set. Get Flashback Friday.

Next weekend I will run in the London's Run for the third year in a row.
The race began four years ago as a way to help the Solomon family of Q.C. raise money for the medical expenses of their little girl, London, who's life was lost to cancer.
It is such an inspiring story that continues on. In these following years, the proceeds from the run have gone to other children and their families that face the same challenges or have the same needs as London's did.
A lot of people ask me, (only in Q.C. who know of my London and London Solomon), if we named our Elle after her. I say no; then explain how London, England is a place of importance to my husband and explain his mission served there, but how we are proud to share the name with such a strong little soldier as London Solomon.

I adore this race because it is held in my own little town and because everything about the run is about love and service and giving and remembering how we all can do little things to make big differences.

So that's what my mind has been flashing back to as I sweat through the five-milers this week.
Here come the pictures:

Here I am smiling and ready to run. Got my ear buds, a new audio book on the ipod and a baggie of carb chews, just in case.
Oh, the starting line! I am about ten rows deep into this crowd trying to find the spot I left off at in my book. This dumb decision cost me about five minutes added to my overall time. Oye! What a rookie.
While I raced there were a lot of volunteer vendors there that donated their time and equipment. For a small donation of money, the fans could have fun stuff to do until the runners came back. This was great news for Olen who had a bored Porter and little Elle bundled up in the stroller.

Porter tried his best at rock climbing.
But decided that bull-riding was more his thing.
Here I come to the finish line! Funny story here. See how my bib is yellow and the other 10K runner's bibs are white? That's because I registered for the half-marathon last year, but while training hurt my knee during a ten-mile run. Not worth killing myself for. So I asked them if I could just run the 10K and they could keep the extra registration money spent on the half-marathon. Weelll, I ran this 10K in about 58 minutes (but remember those five wasted minutes, now). Which is just an okay 10K time, but would be a killer half-marathon time. I kept getting looks from the other runners because they all thought I was with the half and was about to come in first! See the guy on the far left looking at me?! Whoops. But I did pick up my pace and beat the girl with the crazy leg kick in front of me. I watched this girl run the whole time and never understood why she kicked her leg out like that. Sorry if that's your sister or something. No offense meant. I'm just say'n...

And here's me once I cooled off and Olen and my little fan club came to give me hugs.
Wish I could remember what I was saying as Olen flashed this picture.

I can't, so let's make something up.
How about my favorite running saying:
" I know I run like a girl. Try to keep up."

It's not too late to register for this year's London's run. If you're not up for the 10K (6.2mi) or half (13.2mi) then do the 2-mile fun run/walk. You can register online until the 24th at midnight or on the morning of the race.
It's a great atmosphere down there with plenty of fun things to see and great people to meet. Good food, too, all for the best causes.

If you come, you will be made an honorary member of my little fan club.
The only requirement is that you have to yell really loud for me when I cross the finish line and be willing to give me a hug when I'm all sweaty and out of breath and act like I just won the Olympics because you just love me that much and don't care that I only ran an "okay" time for a 10K.

Watch Olen and Porter and you'll know what to do.

Wednesday, January 21

Love is in the air

Good Word Wednesday

Oh, I love Valentine's Day. I know it's still only January, but Walmart was taking down Christmas decor on December 24th and stocking the "Seasonal" isle with little red boxes and Dora the Explorer cards. So little ol' me can start talking Valentines, too.

My Granma Sue and Granpa Eddie made the Valentine's of my childhood so magical. Every evening of February 14th we would find a beautiful basket of pink and red wonderment. Candies, socks, pencils, trinkets and homemade goodies. I didn't know it was them till I was older. I just thought they came for a visit coincidentally minutes after our Secret Admirer had left. Mom and Dad filled in a few years, too. To me that's what Valentines is about, showing you care outside of the red heart-shaped box.

So here ya have it -
Today the good word is: Sweet Deals for your Sweetheart.

You know I'm all about the handmade or made-from-the-heart kind of gift.
Flowers and chocolates rock, but c'mon people, you can buy that stuff at the QT.
I'm talking about thoughtfulness and downright "I love you with all my guts" kind of a gift.

Here are a couple of my favorites so far:

My hubs doesn't know it yet, but this is what he's getting from me for St. Valentines. We're going to get our Love Story made and it will be hot. H-yeah, I'll post all about it.

Click the Life Happens Studios link below to get the whole scoop.
Seriously, girlfriends, a real winner right here for years to come.

Love shea butter, gorgeously yummy smells and rich, smooth lather? Excuse me while I wipe away the drool. Love to have your Honey in shea butter, gorgeously yummy smells and rich, smooth lather?

Thought so. Then click the tvala handmade link below and your wish has been granted.

What a win-win baby.

If you know of other handmade-from-the-heart-unique Valentine's gifts let me know.
I love about the talented ones I get to know.

Tuesday, January 20

If you ever plan on taking your kids bowling, be prepared to have tons of fun but bring a lot of candy for the under-aged crowd.

Monday, January 19

Well, I guess it's safe to say that this blog (like my life) will be constantly in a state of construction. I get bored with backgrounds and feel the need to change things up all the time. This current theme I've come up with is one I really connect with, so maybe I'll wear it for a while longer than the others.

Somethings been on my mind, Homies, so I hope you don't mind if I spell it out. It's my blog and I think that's okay. Its totally "mommy-blogger" of me to even mention it. But I am a mom and I blog. Boy, do I blog. I am a freaking Mommy Blogger. So sue me. If I make you uncomfortable...then you haven't known me long enough. You'll get used to it. Ha! You should see the eyebrows that I've raised over at the in-laws! But I am getting better... Oh, and now I've totally made you nervous, haven't I? Sorry, well, it's not that big a's just that this month marks the seventh month that our little family has been "trying" to expand our ranks and I'm feeling a little down. I guess my letter to Santa got lost in the mail. If you've ever been in a position such as mine, then you understand that seven months can seem like a very long time. But we've wanted and waited longer.

And even though conceiving hasn't come super easy for me, compared to others, it hasn't been hard. I know I'm a lucky girl, and I love love love the two angels I've been blessed with. I have a very tender spot in my heart for anyone who has wanted so badly, but had to wait for their angels to show up. But because we don't want another four-and-a-half-year gap; this month on the advice of the good doctor we are again seeking the help of our friendly neighborhood pharmacy and attempting to speed things up.
Please say a little prayer for me, would ya? Thanks.

Alright, let's put that away now. So, happy day off to you and yours! Porter made the Honor Roll again and we need to come through with our end of the bargain. A family outing to the bowling alley. Not a bad way to spend a Monday afternoon, eh?
What do you have going on today?

Friday, January 16

Flashback Friday

Ready for a flashback? Here we go.
Chase Waters came home and swept our Beth off her feet...
Bethany and Chase tie the knot.

January 15th, 2009

Here's the picture play-by-play.
And a few captions when necessary.
The Wedding.
Not a dry eye in the house because of this glowing beauty.
I love her.

The fab photographers.

One proud sister.
The Reception.
Man, what a party.
My family doesn't do anything small. Maybe you already noticed that.Allow me to give you the tour of my parent's yard, where the reception was held.
The back porch.
Side patio.
(Porter, "warming" himself) Main yard. I never got the view of the back patio by the pool where the Bride and Groom stood, but here's Port and London sitting under their archway.
Little LaLa was so over having her picture taken, so Olen had to get creative to make her grin.
What did he do, you ask, to acheive such a smile? He took out his prosthetic eye. Aren't you glad you asked? For some reason my kids think this is so funny. Olen does, too, of course. He would say "Smile, Buttercup, and you can hold my eye!" Then she would laugh and wiggle and I would take the shot.
It is kind of funny if your daddy can pop out his eye at whim. I guess.But when it came time for her to claim her prize; she declined. No, thanks, Dadda. Gotta go.
One more of me and B just before she and Chase ran through this... Then off they went to pack for their 8am flight to Hawaii and to
Live Happily Ever After...

Wednesday, January 14

It's Good Word Wednesday!

Around here that's an open invitation to jot down something joyful about your life in this moment, or some good news, or just maybe a funny story about your kid.
We all got good in there somewhere. Find it. Write it. Remember it.
It will make you happy and it will make those that read it happy. Especially me. I guarantee it.

Today I'm taking the funny story about my kid route.

London is two and a half. She's entering into this not-a-baby-but-not-ready-to-be-a-big-kid stage, and it's weird. It's kind of new to me because Porter went from newborn to twenty-five.

Elle's favorite new past-time is gathering. Like, she gathers all her dolls and puts them to "bed" in random spots of the house. Laundry hampers, under the table, in the freezer (that was a creepy discovery). She gathers her hair ties and bows and sorts them into baggies. That's another thing. She's obsessed with everything going into baggies. What's with that? She puts trash into a baggie before she throws it away! I'm thinking this isn't normal.

But I'm getting used to it. I walk into a room and things just aren't quite the way I left them, and that usually means I really just walked into London's latest gathering and sorting project.
Is this a little girl thing that I've been left out on?

So when I opened my dresser drawers I wasn't surprised at all to find this... all five drawers.

I wish she could explain her motives a little better because I bet there's a great story behind this.

Sunday, January 11

The weekend

Friday night was date night. We ate out at Mi Amigos with an assortment of some of my favorite people in honor of Bethany and Chase. I haven't been there in about fifty-two years, and man, have I been missing out. Best cheese enchiladas ever. Heaven with a side of beans and rice.  
So, Saturday my mom and sisters and sister-in-law hosted a Bridal Shower for Beth cuz' she's goin' to the Temple and she's gunna get married this week. We had a fab turn out and the party went off without a hitch.
I know the brightness is all out of whack on this picture, but it was such a Kodak Moment, I don't care. Check out the look on my Gram's face as Beth opened the nightie given to her by her future mother-in-law. Priceless. Oh, Grams, I love you.
While London and I were at the Shower, Olen and Porter were at his back-to-back flag football games on Saturday. They don't keep score in flag football, did you know that? But you better believe I can tell some parents are keeping track. Porter always determines if his team wins by how he felt about his own performance in the game. Saturday he went in for a dive and pulled the flag off a kid from the other team; so his team must have won. In another game when he was given the ball he started running the wrong way for about three yards; so they probably didn't win that game.

Me? I'm so preoccupied trying to know what Porter must be thinking out there on the field. If you know me at all, you know I am not competitive in sports (other things-you bet 'cha). Never have been crazy about competitive sports, though. I would probably just hand you the gold medal and say "Live it up" than put effort into proving anything to anyone. So I am always wondering if Porter is actually having fun or if he's just "playing a game". He says he loves it, and he's pretty darn good at it, too. So, I will continue to watch and wonder. I guess that's my role as a mom on the sidelines. That, and kicking some major trash if anyone hurts my baby out there on the field. Right? I get to do that. Right?

Friday, January 9

Flashback Friday

My little sister Bethany is getting married next Thursday.
It is going to be lovely. My parent's have turned their Historic House upside down and redone the lawns to host the reception. Months of preparation and years of anticipation (Beth and Chase have been BFF's since high school and through out missions and more) will all be worth it in only six days.
Well, I love weddings. Everything about love and new lives starting. It's the best.
All this wedding buzz is making me remember a day just about eight years ago...

Flashback to:
April 20, 2001

My wedding day. I'm wearing my Grandma's veil. The same one my mom wore and all my aunts (but one) wore. It was so special. And counted for my something "borrowed" and something "old".

I know you all are totally digging my red hair. Olen thought it was natural when we first met and still wishes that I would go back to red. What say you?
Here's the dirty dozen...almost. One of those is not family at all (long story) and I'm missing a couple brothers. But this is what we looked like back in 2001. There's Beth far left.
My big brother Christopher was on his second year of serving a mission in Sacramento, California. I almost postponed the wedding till his return in November (he's one of my best friends after all), but Olen accepted a job in Flagstaff the day he proposed and I wasn't down for the long-distance thing. So we were hitched four months later in the Mesa Temple. Then Chris came home to his little sister who was married and seven months pregnant. Um? Welcome home, Bud!
Christopher and Me. Only 369 days apart.

Yes. I know my bouquet rocked the house. It was the only thing I was most picky on. I wanted it just like my Aunt Nola's so that I could hang it on the wall. It now resides in London's room. Chelsea and Katie (in matching buttercup-colored skirts) were my Maids of Honor (I couldn't choose just one!) and Bethany, Darcy and my four BFF's from high school were my Brides Maids. That's my gorgeous Mamasita Bonita on the left.

I wanted a Garden Wedding and there were flowers everywhere. I love flowers. It was amazing. Completely just the way I wanted it. And let's be real, how many people can say that?
B, I hope that next Friday you can say that.

Wednesday, January 7

Good Word Wednesday!
Yesterday was just one of those days. You know the kind. Everything that possibly could ever need getting done happens to plop land in one twelve-hour segment. Plus a sick baby on top.
So when I finally crash landed in bed last night I was totally spent. I fell hard into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until Olen was inches from my nose asking me if I was getting sick, too. No I'm not. Just sick of sick kids.
Then while trying to shake my sleepiness and make a bowl of Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries I was wishing it was Red Bull instead of milk that I was pouring (I know, I know, I read December's Ensign, too, but c'mon). And then I remembered my dream from last night.
I was driving my bed around to the Starbuck's drive-through window with Olen asleep at my side. I was so tired that I remember I couldn't see well enough to turn the corner and I kept telling myself I would never drive beds ever again. I came up to the window and I was explaining to the girl that I've never ordered coffee before and I was asking her if I should add cherry or vanilla to my drink (Ha! But, you can tell I sure have gotten drinks at QT!). She said she wasn't allowed to tell me how to make my drink, so I had to wake up Olen and ask him how. Olen just told me to go back to sleep and not take him to Starbuck's in the middle of the night anymore.
So, homies, there's proof that I am not fit to be awake today. Or drive beds. I hope you got a laugh out of that. Olen did. And now he's wondering why I was craving coffee in the middle of the night. Oh, and what I was wearing.
Have you ever had crazy dreams? Remember Good Word Wednesday is all about sharing the things that help you find "joy in the journey" and maybe bring a smile to those that read it, too.
Maybe next time I'll tell about the dream I had when I was pregnant with Porter and dreamt that he was a grown man and I was forcing him to nurse...that one was kind of a nightmare.

Monday, January 5

Don't you love the smell of schedules in the morning?!

Hooray for returning to the routines! After these last two weeks of holidays and no set schedules, today has been such a welcomed Monday. Port went back to school without much of a fuss. I think he was starting to get bored here at home and sick of me finding ways for him to be busy (unloading the dishwasher, scrubbing the bath tubs, organizing the toy room...) but that's what happens around here when you tell me "I'm soooo bored". I think the lesson was learned. (Thanks, mom.)

Better keep your distance. The flu bug hit our house this past weekend. Porter caught it first and now London hasn't been her usual 105mph self. On Saturday Porter woke up with tummy troubles and when he finally came out of the bathroom I asked him if he went #1 or #2 he said, "No way mom! That was like #10!"
"Oh. Good." was my response. T.M.I. Thanks, Port.
Luckily, that bug didn't last long and hasn't spread. Hopefully your house doesn't catch the #10's.

I read this book, recommend and borrowed from my mamasita, over the weekend. I usually don't go for the real-life-learn-a-lesson kind of books, but this one was so lovely and inspirational. Really a great prelude to the new year. Go rent, borrow or buy this one pronto and I bet you'll agree.
So, I figure that even though it's January 5th, it really is the first day that our Resolutions begin. So today is day one and everything else was a freebie. Right? Right. So that Texas sheet cake I made last night doesn't count. Good. That's what I thought.
Another resolution I have is to catch up on my homies' blogs. I haven't had time to stop and say hey all month. We really still love you. So I promise to pay a visit soon. But right now I need to watch 'Curious George' with London for the millionth time.
And, seriously, where are my paragraph breaks?!

Friday, January 2

Dear 2009, Let's be friends. Okay?

Before I go on, it was brought to my attention that I should probably clarify Porter's post on his coyote hunting trip for the readers who are less familiar with the way of hunting and outdoorsey stuff. And so the reader doesn't get the wrong idea about our family. Olen and his brothers are experienced hunters with licenses and predator permits to hunt coyote. We respect nature and definitely do not condone killing just for sport. But here in AZ we've got a lot of coyotes and need to keep them in check. The tail and ears of a predator, such as coyote, are typically all that is harvested and turned in for bounty collection with the game and fish department. In this case, Porter's bounty will be a hat of some sort. Well, we'll see. Okay. So, that's that.

Now let the Flashback Friday begin!

I'm not flashing back too far here.
The year. 2008. The day. Christmas.

It was such a wonderfully eventful day that I didn't stop to take many pictures. The one above is a favorite because it pretty much captures the mood of the whole day. Porter fell in love with every little thing he was given and London just floated through the day in a daze of wrapping paper and new plastic smell.

Family was visited. Food was eaten. Bed-time came late. It was all that I had wanted it to be. I'm still waiting on one of my presents...I can't wait till it's done because it is going to be hot.

New Year's Eve. Guys, seriously, I can't believe all that has happened in just the course of a week. It feels like a whole month ago. And I keep thinking today should be Sunday because yesterday felt like Saturday. Anyhow, um, back to New Year's Eve.

First we had a Rock Band party at Chris and Katie's Miller St. Cottage. I consumed more won-tons than I can count and London refused to go to sleep. That could have been because she kept sneaking drinks out of Olen's Dr. Pepper. Porter was at Nana and Papa's Polar Bear party a few blocks away.
Olen sought Rock Band immunity by being the official baby-holder. Can't blame him. He is such a natural. So cuddly.
Then it was off to witness the Polar Bears at my mom and dad's casa. Porter didn't want to jump, which was good, because I would have said no anyways.

We sang our best version of Auld Lang Syne and drank a cup of Martinelli's to toast the new year. Man, I love that song. We need to sing that song more often. Then all the ones brave enough, or crazy enough, jumped into the freezing swimming pool at 12:05am. Then couldn't swim fast enough to get out a second later.

Happy New Year! We wish you a wonderfully fabulous year, and hope you had someone to kiss at midnight.
We began this new year by sleeping in, being with family and riding horses.
So far, so good.

New Year's Resolution? One of them is to figure out why Blogger won't publish my posts with paragraph breaks. I swear I type it that way and then it all lands together. Ugh!

Have you thought about your New Year's Resolutions?