Wednesday, October 1

My Miracle Man

Tomorrow we leave for Olen's Fourteenth Mission Reunion in Salt Lake City. Sit back. Make yourself comfortable and allow me to tell you why my husband is a miracle.

(Well, one of the reasons, there are many...surviving swimming with alligators...bee attacks...ran over by a tractor...but let's stay focused.)

Olen served in the England, London mission from 1993 to 1994. On January 19th, 1994 the small, four-door car he was driving with three other Elders was hit head on by a semi-truck on a rainy, wet country road. Olen had to be cut out from the wreckage.

Upon impact the engine was thrust onto Olen's lap and face; braking all the bones in his face and causing the loss of his left eye. Olen was conscious but unable to breathe. A husband and wife were behind the semi driving home from their day's work as a paramedic and an ear, nose and throat nurse. They usually didn't take their equipment home with them, but they did that day. They were two angels sent to be there for Olen. They preformed a tracheotomy on the spot for Olen so he could breathe and then he and the other missionaries were transported to the hospital. All badly injured; but all survived.

Olen lay unconscious for seven days in the Norwich Hospital. Besides the bones in his face, both legs and his right arm were broken. He would need immediate reconstructive surgery on his face and eye, set all his broken bones and multiple skin grafts.

This is one of my favorite stories and I'll let Olen tell it in his own words: "When I woke up in this strange place I saw people wearing masks and funny hats. I thought I had been abducted by aliens. I told myself I was going to escape on the count of three. One. Two. Three. But I couldn't move my arms or legs. I could only turn my head. The people came rushing over to me and then everything went black. When I woke up the next time, I saw the face of an angel and I thought I was in Heaven. Then my eye focused and I saw that it was my Mother who was by my side and holding my hand."

Olen's mom, Arlyce, never left his side for the whole three months he was in the Norwich Hospital having surgery after surgery and recovering enough for the long flight home to Arizona on a stretcher.
Back home, in Olen's hometown the community had rallied together to support his family. Olen's sister, Arlissa, put her schooling at University of Arizona on hold to come home and help Olen's dad, Billy Ray (pictured above), manage the household and the four brothers at home while their mom was away caring for Olen.
Olen was finally stable enough to be transported back to the U.S. and then spent another two and a half months in the hospital. After the accident in London, the doctors told him that he would probably not be able to walk ever again. Olen knew that with his faith in the Lord he would walk. After spending a year in a body cast and wheel chair Olen took his first steps again.
Olen finished his mission in the Tucson, Arizona Mission giving firesides and speaking to the youth about his accident.
Even fourteen years later there are still daily aches and pains, and the semi-annual polishing of the glass eye. But Olen uses his scars as proof that we have a loving Heavenly Father, who knows us and will not forget us. Olen is eternally optimistic and teaches me that each day of life is a gift and we are all blessed people.
I am really looking forward to meeting some of the people that were with Olen on his mission in London. I want to give them a tight hug and tell them "Thank-you".


  1. No matter how many times I have heard this story or have seen the pictures, I always want to cry.
    Remember when he put his eye in his shake at Denny's? hahahaha

  2. Yeah...I don't think I'll ever forget that - Or will the waitress!!! Poor dear.

    Porter begged Olen to take his eye out for our Home Teachers last week and he totally grossed them out because he put the eye in his mouth to clean it! Oh, that boy loves his tricks...

  3. What a special neat man you have Molly! Olen has told us the story and shown us the fake eye...Holden was a little scared but loved it and I am sure will never forget it!

    Olen is one of a kind! He always goes out of his way to say hi to Tim or I. You guys are a great family:)

  4. I think I will always remember the night at mutual when he told us that story in the basement of the Strebeck's home. :) What an inspiring story about Heavenly Father's power and the existence of miracles here on earth. I just adore your family - you guys are amazing. :) hope everything is well back on your side of the country!

  5. Wow - that is quite the story. That is the first time I had heard it. He is a miracle! Thank you for sharing. What a neat family you have :o)

  6. What a neat sotry! Have a fun time!

  7. It's an amazing person who can take trials and see the positive and be optimistic about it. Instead of 'cursing the God who would let this happen' to him, as some would, instead he saw how he was protected and able to continue on in this life and experience all the joys. What a wonderful man you have, Molly!

  8. Olen had more work to do and is living proof of a miracle! It just proves how much our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. He knows us individually. We should all feel special and loved with this knowledge.

    Have a great trip!

  9. What an amazing story! It was so fun to finally meet you both. Jon has always talked about Olen. Not just because they were in the accident together but because he thinks so highly of Olen. He has always said what an awesome guy he is. You guys are a beautiful family!

  10. An amazing man for an amazing girl!

  11. It was neat to hear that story from Olen's perspective! Chad told me about it a few years ago when I met Olen in our singles ward, but today it brought tears to my eyes!

    My brother was run over by a tractor too...lots of surgeries & told he wouldn't walk again either...glad they proved them otherwise!! What a loving Heavenly Father we have!

  12. I think Olen is top notch! I almost passed out the first time at your house when he rolled his eye across the table towards me!lol You both are amazing people.

  13. I Love listening and thinking about Olen's story! I always helps me remember how strong we can be with our Heavenly Father by our side. Thanks for sharing!!
    P.S. Olen knows my husband, Jaron Jarvis, and I came across your blog through some friends blogs. Send us an email so we can send an invite to our blog!
