Monday, April 12

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

I fell into Olen's arms after a late night of catering on Saturday.
I flung my shoes across the family room and recalled the dishwasher not working, not enough place settings for the bridal party and the groom's mom actually telling me to "chop-chop".

"So how was your night? Did Daisy go to sleep ok for you?"
"Well, I need you in a really happy mood before I tell you something."
Any chances of a happy mood have just been recalled by this request.
"No luck. Lemme have it. What happened?"
"Daisy was super fussy and I would get her to sleep and then she would wake up five minutes later. So I thought she was poopy but she wasn't and I left London combing her doll's hair in the family room [I should mention Porter wasn't home. If he was, this would have probably not happened because he would have stopped it.] then I came back in with Daisy and Elle was on the desk with the scissors and the brush and I was too late."
"Too late for what...?"

Then he shows me this:

I burst into tears and I never do that. Olen was in shock, not really what he expected me to do. I explained through my sobs that I had just made an appointment to take London to get her first perm this Thursday. I didn't tell Olen because I wanted to come home and surprise him with London's curly hair. 

"Love, it doesn't look that bad, I promise."
I cried more.
Olen rolled his eye.
Anyways, London twisted the brush into the top back area of her hair and it got stuck so she cut it out. Olen took London down to my sister-in-law's house that does hair for an emergency hair intervention. Olen was more worried about how I would take the new look than what the new look actually would be so he was trying to get things fixed before I got back. 

"Cara said it was too short and thin to make any layers match so she didn't cut it at all. She thought you should look at it first and decide."
"Too short and thin??"

I tip-toe next to London's bed and run my fingers through her hair, a few stray hairs cling to my hands. It was already too late on a really long day to think about this anymore, so I just went to bed.

In the morning London and I had a little chat about scissors while I rocked her and we hugged. Olen was right, it doesn't look that bad. I parted it on the other side and used mousse to scrunch it up for church and that seemed to hide the short and thin parts pretty well so I didn't cancel our hair appointment after all. Besides, it will grow back. Like by the time she's ten.


  1. Oh, Molly. I am so sorry about her hair. Can I ask a dumb question? Do you cater weddings? I want to start a dessert catering business on the side but got derailed when I started researching legality issues. Dang health codes and commercial zoning requirements! Just curious as to how you make it all happen!

    I am sure the perm will make it all better. My mom has that statement tattoed on her somewhere...

  2. Remember when Darcy locked herself in the bathroom and cut all her hair off when she was probably 2 or 3 and how I cried and cried when she came out with a flat-top because now my baby sister was ugly? I do and you must have felt that same way when you saw that brush! So sorry sis, but you are right, it WILL grow back!

  3. The weird thing about that is, when I got out of the bathroom, I told Mom that Goofy mademe do it. I really thought Goofy was in there with me forcing me to do bad things!

  4. By the way, I was expecting a way worse end to that story. For some reason I was expecting London to start brushing Daisy's hair and to dig the comb into her head. This is a little morbid I know, but it makes you think that things could be a lot worse than a sassy short hair cut!

  5. Oh Molly! I'm sorry, I probably would have cried too. I have an old roommate who has 4 little girls and they are always trying to cut their own hair. As soon as I heard about this ANYTIME I get scissors out I say "are you allowed to use these?" and they say "no" and then I say "NEVER cut your hair, only when mommy has someone do it." And I haven't had any problems. Anyway, good job having the talk and just keep reinforcing it. Brainwashing is the key.

    ps: Darcy I believe Goofy was in there with you. =)

  6. Another reason I am sooo glad I have boys!! And Pal I really can't see it when you have her hair all done. You should still see if you can perm it.
