Sunday, April 18

Yesterday was Porter's first Cub Scout Day Camp. It was my first too.
One of the perks of my calling as assistant wolf den leader is that I get to tag along with Porter to all the Cub Scout activities. It was actually a really good day and I learned a lot.

Our first class was learning the basics of how to play basketball. Porter was always twelve inches away from the coach teaching the class listening and watching his every move. He has so much natural talent at sports and is such a lucky boy to have a daddy that makes time to play with him.
Next we went on to the compass class. We were taught how to read a map and use a compass. Since Porter loves maps, graphs and math this was a favorite for him. He wants to "build cities and invent useful things for people to use" when he grows up, I told him in the adult world a person who does those things is called an engineer and he liked the sound of that. Good thing he also likes going to school.
All of these classes were designed so that the boys earned a patch or a loop or something that attaches to their clothes. In the next class the boys had to choose a menu for a meal and then prepare it. They were given a check list of all foods available and the boys could check what they wanted then were given the ingredients to put it together. Porter checked off every item. He prepared a hot dog over hot coals with all the stuff that goes with it and some healthy sides. The boys' favorite was the outdoor ovens used to bake cookies. Pretty cool stuff, the cookies were perfectly baked in ten minutes. Porter gave me half of his cookie and it was mighty tasty.
The last class was Porter's favorite because it was building your own tool box. Not a wimpy tool box either that holds just one hammer and a screw driver, a real man's box that could hold about any kind of tool for any kind of building project. I was helping Port hold the sides straight and he would stop and readjust and double check to make sure he had perfect angles. He screwed, tightened and then glued just to make sure it was done right. He wants to paint his box General Lee orange. Shocker. 
After the cerimonial Cub Scout cheers and the flag was retired we gathered up our prizes from the day and came home jazzed about Cub Scouts and a little wiser, too. Porter "taught" Olen all the new basketball terms he had learned and then asked to go to Google Maps and find our house. He gave London the cotton candy he saved for her and London gave some to Daisy and turned her face blue. Then I took a nap.

Check out the look on his face in this picture. You could almost hear his brain saying, "Whoa, this is what I'm talk'n about!"

This picture will go in the slide show when he's an Eagle Scout. And as one  proud momma, I will say how I was there from the start.

This Tuesday is our ninth wedding anniversary. Olen is taking me away for a few days on a "surprise" getaway. I am both so excited and nervous because I made him tell me where we were going, but he still won't tell me all that he has planned. I hate surprises. They only make me pack twice as much.

London has been telling me lately that we all smell the same because we are a family. I asked her what we smell like and she says, "Mom, you know! How a family smells!" I have no idea how a family smells, but I guess as long as we all smell that way together that's what matters. London asked me to call her the "Curly King" today while I was doing her hair for church. If you see her, I know you would get a great response if you called her that too.

Friday, April 16th Daisy turned six months old - a whole half of a year! I can't post her six months pictures yet because I still need to go pick up her five-month pictures from the studio and I don't want to go out of order. I really can't believe she's been with us for six months already, the time is going by too quickly for me.

Chelsea said it best when she described Daisy as "melting" on to you when you hug her. She makes me so happy.

Now off to pack for who knows what on my anniversary surprise.

One thing I do know for sure is how much I love this man. I am one lucky girl and I know that too.


  1. This was a great post with lots of pictures, which is also great (mine need more pictures lately). anywho, I'm proud of your can-do scouting attitude :) The best part is seeing the boys excited, is always what I thought when I was over scouts. I also love the Daisy picture and caption. So much to love in this post. So where the heck are you going for your trip?? Happy Anniversary you cute couple you.

  2. Hey good job on the pictures of Porter! They turned out great. Sounds like a super awesome day with Porter. To be honest though I'm hoping Chris gets to do those fun activities when Ash is that age cause we all know how I feel about teaching scouts. ;)

  3. My Neil is super excited to start scouting; he keeps asking me how much longer until he is 8. (It’s going to be a long 2 1/2 years!)
    P.S. Im so jealous of London’s new curls! I can't find anyone who will perm Ruth’s hair! She is still mourning her baby curls that got cut off a few years back.

  4. Wow, what a sweet post. You always say something or show a picture or two that chokes me up! It ALMOST made me want to start thinking about having a kid so I can have a cub scout. Porter is simply adorable. And he will make an incredible engineer! They aren't allowed to eat cotton candy, so he already has that going for him.

  5. Love the photos. Do you love the camera yet?

