Sunday, August 31


I'm here to tell all about the Friendship Dinner we hosted last night; but first I need to say a most humble and grateful - "Thank-you!" for the comments left about my race. They mean so much to me, and so do you.

I forgot to take pictures!! Can you believe it? So you'll just have to imagine in your head how great we all looked. :} Here's an "after" picture of our fajita condiments to get you started imagining.

Well, the dinner was just as fun and a lot less work than I thought. I wanted to eat out on the back patio, but with the crazy rain we've been getting every evening we decided not to chance it. Luckily, it stayed dry and Olen was able to grill up the steak and chicken for our fajitas. We had over three couples from our ward, some we knew and other's we knew better so it was a great mix.

We played a super fun game of Truth-and-Dare as we ate. Sounds like a good game for couples, right? Yup. Here's how we did it: On pieces of paper I wrote either a "T" or a "D" at the top and the numbers 1, 2, or 3. Each person wrote down a question on the "T" paper and circled a number. (The number represents how many other people they would like to answer that question, too.) Then each person wrote down a dare and circled a number and then we all took a truth and dare paper randomly. It was such a blast and we all just talked and laughed through dinner. Some truth questions were "Tell how you met your spouse" and "What's your favorite cartoon to watch with your kids?" Some dare questions were "Tell your favorite joke" and "Sing a silly song".

I've decided that for myself, these friendship dinners aren't meant to make you BFFs with new and random people in your ward; but to make less strangers. We talked and laughed and ate (and Olen told funny eye stories) and we all got to know six people better in the process. Just another example of food and the gospel bringing people together.

Friday, August 29

Thursday, August 28

"Gimme some of your tots!"

Over dinner we catch up with Porter about his day; ask him how recess went, how he did on his spelling tests and what he ate for lunch. These kinds of things.
Here's how today went in Porter's words:

"I killed a spider with babies on its back at recess because I am so brave. No one else would do it."

"All the second-grade girls like to chase me at recess to see if they can catch me, but they never do. Then I stop and let them catch up and we keep running. I like when they chase me. Especially Phoenix." (Note to self; learn more about Phoenix)

"Mom, I need to wear pants with pockets on the side everyday because they hold the most food. Today I didn't finish my sub so I put it in my pocket and me and Cadon shared it on the playground. But I didn't let the Aids see me. We're not allowed to share food at my school."

Saturday, August 23

Friendship Dinner

So our ward does this really fun thing (and I'm not just saying that because I'm on the Activities Committee), once every other month we organize 'Friendship Dinners'. This is where you sign up to host a dinner at your house or sign up to attend a dinner at someones house. As an attendee you randomly get assigned where to attend the dinner. As a host, after you're told who will be coming, the party planning is totally up to you. This is the part I'm so stoked about because Olen and I signed up to host!
We went to the last dinner as attendees and had such a blast. We had a great time eating and talking with people from our ward we never would have gotten together with on our own, ya know? And now we see each other at church and we have a connection and friendship - hence the name of the game.
Ok, now's the part where you come in. You got ideas and I need them!
What should I do for my dinner?!
We can do whatever we want as a host; potluck or anything. As an Activities Committee we've been emphasizing the potluck approach so that everyone is involved in the meal and the hosts don't have to provide for all. So some ideas that I'm brewing right now are fajitas/Mexican theme, Chinese (I'll need your rice recipe, Chris, if I go this way), all-finger-food potluck or bar-b-que.
Whattaya think? If you were coming to my house for a dinner party what would be the perfect menu? Oh! and games!! I have one good dinner game, but give me some more ideas to do while we're all sitting and eating; awkward silences are not invited to my party. The party is next Saturday, so I've got a week to throw it all together.
I know we can do it! And then I'll blog all about it! Oh how thrilling!

Thursday, August 21

Do you ever wonder who would narrate the story of your life? Yeah...probably not...but I do.
It's a thought that's been on my mind all week. On an idyllic day I think it would be Julie Andrews. For an average day my girl Martha would be a swell voice over and I know she would have plenty of 'good things' to say. And when I'm feeling moody I think Wanda Sykes would be an appropriate fit.
But today I think my narrator would be Roseanne.
Who is your life narrator?

Monday, August 18

Well, I thought I would be less busy once school started, but boy was I wrong. I am coming up with new and thrilling ways of organizing my house and schedules each day. Yippee! Projects just keep popping up everywhere.

At Porter's school they are pretty big on parental volunteering, and I think it's dandy, so I signed up for a few things. One of my sign-ups is to teach an art lesson for an hour one Friday each month. I went in for my first lesson this last Friday and we made summer-time collages (thanks Chelsea for your help cutting out the pictures) and backpack zipper pulls (ditto Katie for putting my kits together). The kids loved both projects and Port's teacher said I was "clever". Bonus points all around. One little girl raised her hand and I went over to her to answer her question and she said I was pretty. Totally made my day. I still smile thinking about it. I had a blast and it reminded me of my mom and dad coming and helping out in my classes during those elementary years.

Friday night we had some rad bbq with our friends. We used to get together with friends a lot more, but we just seem to be so busy trying to stay busy that we forget how getting together doesn't have to be anything elaborate. It was a good reminder that we need to make time for the things that are most important to us.

My parent's celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary yesterday. Next year we'll have a big shin dig for their 30th.

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for your examples of what love is.

Tuesday, August 12

Here is something I've been working on...
I enjoy these tags because they help me get to know things about people that I thought I already knew everything about. I hope you, reader, enjoy this tag-post as much as I enjoyed building it.

my mosaic

(left to right)

1. Name? Molly

2. Favorite food? All the foods I don't let myself eat very often (fast food)

3. High School? Heroes

4. Favorite color? Yellow

5.Celebrity crush? Jack Black

6. Favorite Drink? Kool-Aid

7. Dream vacation? Italia!

8. Favorite Desert? Chocolate

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Retired.

10. What do you love most in life? Family

11. One word that describes you? True

12. Pet name? Mommy

Here's how this works:
1. Go to Flickr and type in your answers to each of the above questions in the 'search' field.
2. Choose an image from only the first page of pictures that appear based on your answer.
3. In a new window; copy and paste your picture choice at Big Huge Labs and create your own mosaic.

Monday, August 11


Sometimes I forget that it's okay to just write whatever I want even if it's pictureless meaningless chatter. So here goes.
I've been organizing my house from summer-time slacking and also putting my family back on some kind of schedule (not as easy as it sounds) since school started last week. Olen is out of the house every morning by 6am, so we are changing scripture reading to an evening activity. Plus we can put London down for bed and better help Porter sound out words like 'Rameumptom'.
Speaking of Porter, he is liking school a little more each day. I can tell he misses kindergarten and how he had rest and snack time. He told me, "First grade is like real school, mom!" I told him, "Wait until college." He didn't get it.
London is driving me crazy because she is so bored without "Poe-Poe" home. She wants me to be her nonstop entertainer and it's getting old quick. I pretty much begged my friend that I visit teach to let her four-year-old son just come over and play with London once or twice a week. I think I freaked her out.

Thursday, August 7

School is in.

I promise I didn't pose him; this is his signature cool dude pose. But seriously, is he not sooo handsome?
Porter started first grade yesterday. He had a good time except that they didn't "feed [him] enough at lunch". The lunch lady wouldn't allow seconds on spaghetti and that ruined his whole day. Honestly, I think if a kid has the guts to ask the lunch lady for more, he should get it, right? Maybe I just think all lunch ladies are scary.
On the bright side; he does have one of his best buddies in his class and can visit with his second-grade cousin at recess.
So all in all, it was an okay day.
The house was too quiet without him home and London wandered the rooms calling for Porter ("Poe-Poe? Poe-Poe...?") most of the morning. I tried to tackle my growing laundry pile, but ended up hanging out with London instead. It was a pretty dull day until Porter came home.
I have projects in the works and know that my days will grow busy again in no time. The summer break just seemed to come and go so quickly.

Wednesday, August 6

Happy Birthday, Jenn!

Yesterday was my oldest best friend's birthday. I dedicate this post to her.

Jennifer and I have been bff since we were 8 years old and lived across the street from each other. She moved to California when we were about nine and we stayed in touch through letters and occational phone calls.

As a Christmas present when I was twelve my parents gave me airplane tickets to visit her.
This picture below is Jennifer and me sporting our fantastic Easter dresses on the deck of their home in California.

Here we are at Fisherman's Wharf in San Fransisco. It was so much fun! We ate clam chowder and sour dough bread on the boardwalk. And, yes, our bangs are totally rad. Thank you very much for noticing.

Getting a hug from Dino at Great America. We are wearing sweaters because earlier that day we got totally soaked on a water ride. Isn't my fanny pack the best?! It's okay to be jealous.

Fast forward four years. Jennifer's family moved to Maryland after California. For my sixteenth birthday my parent's gave me a trip to go visit her there.

Jenn's amazing mother, Carrie, took us to Washington, DC.
Here me and Jenn pose at the Lincoln Memorial.

Here's Jenn looking pensive down a beautiful road in Annapolis. Jenn, did I ever tell you; you rocked that hat, girlfriend.

We also went to Palmyra, NY and watched the Hill Comorah Pageant and toured Joseph Smith's childhood home and the Sacred Grove. Then we went on her Stake's Pioneer Trek together. It was an amazing trip that I hold very dear. Thank you, Carrie!

After high school Jenn went to college at BYU and served a mission in Honduras (the one place I didn't visit you in...). The next time we saw each other after Maryland was on her wedding day, three years ago in Utah, where she lives with her hubby John and their adorable daughter Maddy. We've kept in touch all these years through letters, phone calls and e-mails - and now blogging (yeah!).

Thanks for putting up with me following you around all these years, Jenn! I love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Sunday, August 3


Yeah, running is my workout of choice and a passionate hobby; but I'm such a wanna-be. Crank up the heat to over 100 degrees and I found out I'm a total baby.
I haven't been running regularly since June and the five to eight extra pounds that has landed on my body is proof of it. It's waaay too hot to go during the day and I'm not a morning person so that 5 am run just ain't happening.
BUT never fear, I have found my mojo! (Yeah, I know you were so worried.)
The Higley High Knight 5K Run!

Last year I talked most of my adult siblings and a cousin into running this fun race and we had a total blast. So calling all runners and runner-wanna-be's: August 29th at Higley High 5K (3.1 miles). The cost is $15 bucks to run and you get a freak-awesome t-shirt you can wear and brag about.
Here's a look at last year's race to celebrate the good times of yore:

Katie, Melinda, Chelsea and my mom and dad are hard-core supporters and put up a mean run.
Chris and his wife Katie came to document the occasion and provide us all with a photo finish. I documented Chris.

Here's my dad, mom and Katie at the starting line.
My dad is my running inspiration and hero. That's him with the number one. How right he is.

Here we all are after the race. See our runner's glow?
Glow, baby, glow.

Well, I've got my number. If anyone is interested in a little motivation (like I am) to get up and out in the heat and have fun doing it go HERE to sign up and start your engines.
You won't regret it and what do you have to loose?! (For me, five to eight pounds I hope, I hope...)