Thursday, August 21

Do you ever wonder who would narrate the story of your life? Yeah...probably not...but I do.
It's a thought that's been on my mind all week. On an idyllic day I think it would be Julie Andrews. For an average day my girl Martha would be a swell voice over and I know she would have plenty of 'good things' to say. And when I'm feeling moody I think Wanda Sykes would be an appropriate fit.
But today I think my narrator would be Roseanne.
Who is your life narrator?


  1. I have NEVER thought of this before. Molly, if Wanda Sykes was your narrator at any point I will not watch your movie! tehee! j.k I would want Chandler from Friends. Not Matthew Perry but the character Chandler. I need sarcastic commentary about the stupid things I do to make me laugh at myself. I guess that's why I married your bro! But for the day to day stuff probably Maggie Gylenthall.

  2. I know. But sometimes life needs a sassy black woman.

    I love Maggie for you.

  3. Hmm, I have thought about my life's soundtrack, but never a narrator, because I do such a fabulous job at making fun of myself in my head. But if I were to give up the job, I would have to say...maybe Morgan Freeman? I know...a guy. But his voice could make anyone's life seem awesome. Maybe I would pick Oprah. But I have to tell you, Wanda Sykes and Julie Andrews are awesome picks because I can picture them as my narrators too!

  4. Awesome selections...I've thought about what songs would make up my soundtrack, but never about a narrator. I don't think anyone would be able to hear the narration over all the chaos, anyway. ;)

    (Sidenote, my email's down so I can only receive emails and not send them....but thanks for the link you sent, I put in a call and will be listed as a vendor at their event! Another IOU to for ya!)

  5. Wow those are some pretty deep thoughts! I'm going to take a feather from Dad's hat and say my narrator would be Danny Glover. Or maybe Zooey Deschanel (the girl from Elf). I don't think Roseanne would ever be my narrator, but if my life were a movie I would hope that she would be a wise old sage I'd learn from.

  6. Darcy, I pegged you for a Gilford Godfrey kinda of gal.

  7. well, i ALWAYS think about my life soundtrack, but never narrator... and that is the most brilliant thought AND choice... Julie Andrews.
    i mean, if i could have ANY narrator it would be Audrey Hepburn... sort of like she does in the beginning of Sabrina... AH! but... since she is dead, i suppose i would have to pick... merryl streep.

  8. Well, my narrator would probably be Mike Meyers. But if I had to pick a female, I think Molly Shannon fits my life! And my screen writer would be Dr. Seuss!!

  9. Kinda weird, but I could actually see Brooke (White) being my narrator too. Her raspy voice and all.

  10. Tember, that's weird.
