Wednesday, August 6

Happy Birthday, Jenn!

Yesterday was my oldest best friend's birthday. I dedicate this post to her.

Jennifer and I have been bff since we were 8 years old and lived across the street from each other. She moved to California when we were about nine and we stayed in touch through letters and occational phone calls.

As a Christmas present when I was twelve my parents gave me airplane tickets to visit her.
This picture below is Jennifer and me sporting our fantastic Easter dresses on the deck of their home in California.

Here we are at Fisherman's Wharf in San Fransisco. It was so much fun! We ate clam chowder and sour dough bread on the boardwalk. And, yes, our bangs are totally rad. Thank you very much for noticing.

Getting a hug from Dino at Great America. We are wearing sweaters because earlier that day we got totally soaked on a water ride. Isn't my fanny pack the best?! It's okay to be jealous.

Fast forward four years. Jennifer's family moved to Maryland after California. For my sixteenth birthday my parent's gave me a trip to go visit her there.

Jenn's amazing mother, Carrie, took us to Washington, DC.
Here me and Jenn pose at the Lincoln Memorial.

Here's Jenn looking pensive down a beautiful road in Annapolis. Jenn, did I ever tell you; you rocked that hat, girlfriend.

We also went to Palmyra, NY and watched the Hill Comorah Pageant and toured Joseph Smith's childhood home and the Sacred Grove. Then we went on her Stake's Pioneer Trek together. It was an amazing trip that I hold very dear. Thank you, Carrie!

After high school Jenn went to college at BYU and served a mission in Honduras (the one place I didn't visit you in...). The next time we saw each other after Maryland was on her wedding day, three years ago in Utah, where she lives with her hubby John and their adorable daughter Maddy. We've kept in touch all these years through letters, phone calls and e-mails - and now blogging (yeah!).

Thanks for putting up with me following you around all these years, Jenn! I love you and hope you had a wonderful birthday!


  1. I love you little bow tie thing you have on with your Easter dress! And yes I am jealous about the bangs, you always got them way higher then I ever could.

  2. I know my bow tie was hot.

    Did you know that Carrie made Jenn's dress?! Isn't that amazing? I remember she was putting the finishing touches on it the night before so it was ready to wear to church in the morning. Seriously amazing.

  3. Holy cow, this is the happiest post of my life. :) What's awesome is that I've never even seen some of these pictures! I completely forgot we went to Great America (but funnily, I vividly remembered the purple fanny pack LOL). We have had some truly great times and an awesome friendship. Thanks Mol Mol, I love you!
    (oh and another funny thing? I remembering not liking the dress that my Mom made because I loved that aforementioned bow tie on your dress so much. lol, I'm not even lying! ha!)

  4. Okay and one more thing. Did I pose like that with that awful hat or did you catch me unawares? Because if I was posing, I just might have to be ashamed for the next twenty years. Why didn't anyone tell me I was so fashionably backwards??? lol!

  5. That was such a great post, Molly! There were some great pictures there. We had such fun times when you came. I always thought it was sooo nice of your folks not only to let us borrow you for a while, but they paid for the tickets too! :o) What a nice tribute to one of my favorite people. You did such a nice job. Better than I could have. I will remember this type of blog for future references. I need to get my scanner working! Adding the old photos is a great idea.

    This blogging thing is such a nice way to stay in touch.

    PS...I don't know what 5 pounds you are talking about in your next are way too skinny!! But way to go and good luck!

  6. When I saw that picture of you two in your Easter dresses, I thought you were in your pioneer dresses from the Trek!
