Tuesday, August 12

Here is something I've been working on...
I enjoy these tags because they help me get to know things about people that I thought I already knew everything about. I hope you, reader, enjoy this tag-post as much as I enjoyed building it.

my mosaic

(left to right)

1. Name? Molly

2. Favorite food? All the foods I don't let myself eat very often (fast food)

3. High School? Heroes

4. Favorite color? Yellow

5.Celebrity crush? Jack Black

6. Favorite Drink? Kool-Aid

7. Dream vacation? Italia!

8. Favorite Desert? Chocolate

9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Retired.

10. What do you love most in life? Family

11. One word that describes you? True

12. Pet name? Mommy

Here's how this works:
1. Go to Flickr and type in your answers to each of the above questions in the 'search' field.
2. Choose an image from only the first page of pictures that appear based on your answer.
3. In a new window; copy and paste your picture choice at Big Huge Labs and create your own mosaic.


  1. Ok now that like three people I know have done this now I will. Oh and I like your mommy pic!

  2. You girls are all so clever! I like what you did. I will even try this...keep your fingers crossed for me :o) They were all great choices.
