Wednesday, July 22

Good Word Wednesday!

Well, I need to finish what I've started and I'm getting pretty close.
Today here's:
I picked up some review books from the local Teaching Tools for Porter and I to work on this summer. Remember when I was thinking of homeschooling? Well turns out that's harder than I thought. Trying to dedicate about an hour's worth of time just for the summer school review that I planned is tough.

Errands need to be ran, home keeping tasks pop up, London needs my attention, Porter's attention wanders and things just keep getting in the way. In short, life keeps happening. And in October we'll add another kid to the mix, so I ain't getting any less busy that's for sure. Excuses. Excuses. But really, I could see how things would end up and it wouldn't be fair for me to put Porter's education on the back burner because things just keep "coming up".

The decision was made to keep Porter's education primarily in the hands of a third party. He's one lucky kid, though. He'll be going to school with his Auntie Aubrey and that pretty much makes school a dream come true for my little man Port and makes this mama feel better about sending him next month. Now for all that back to school shopping. I still get a knot in my stomach when I walk down the crayon isle and think of that first day of school.


  1. Oh gosh I got a knot in my stomach when you wrote that about crayons. The excitement and fear and more excitement! I forgot what it was like! I was wondering what you were going to do with the homeschooling thing, and I must say if I could go with my favorite cousin, I'd be a happy camper too! (You must live really close to your Mom to go to the same school!)

  2. your brave! I know that I couldn't do it.I ain't too mart.
