Tuesday, June 9

Good Word Wednesday!

Pretend it's Wednesday already, okay? I have continuing real estate education classes all day tomorrow (yippee) but I have something on my mind and if it didn't happen today this would be Good Word Wednesday on Thursday. Be proud. Being early, for me, hardly ever happens.Photobucket
So in church this Sunday the table was sufficiently covered in lace, multiple statuettes and silk flowers. Plus a little plaque of President Hinckley's nine "be's" from his book Way to Be!: Nine Ways to Be Happy and Make Something of Your Life. I was sitting in the first row and right in front of this plaque. I read it about a million times over and over again while the lesson was being given. Then the light bulb flickered on above my head. I've got those "be's"! Not all wrapped up in one Molly-package, I'm working on that. But I do have them. All around me in the people I know and in the life I choose to live. I think that should count for something. You know how it's hard to find things when you're not really looking for them? Yeah. You usually won't find them. So again, I have set off to track down these things that matter to me. I'm noticing this is pretty much a running theme in my life.

Today I'm starting with this one.
My children.

My children are the most perfect example of true I can think of. They tell me just what they think, if they don't understand something, how they feel and what needs to happen to make something better. Their eyes never lie and their lips carry a smile that says, "I love you with all my heart, no matter what."
They bring me true joy. True sorrow. True hope. True comfort. True love.
What is true with you?


  1. I would have to agree.. there is nothing quite as true as kids. They don't play the little games that the rest of us play; they just say what they think, do what they want to do, and be who they are (sometimes to our dismay) but they are definitely true.
    As I have matured this one has definitely become easier for me, as I accept me more, don't feel/have a need to play all the little games.. but I am sure I still have a long way to go.

  2. I have never thought about it this way--looking for these specific traits in those around me and appreciating them as an example. I would agree kids are true. I would say what else is true in my life is the ability to trust so completely in my husband. That's a huge feat for me considering my parent's marriage. It's the best gift imaginable for me.

  3. and yes, let's get out the puppets. LOL, i laughed so hard when I read your comment. It reminded me once again why you're my best friend. That and the fact that you once wore a giant pencil costume to fourth grade.

  4. Very true:) I love how kids are so honest about things. Sometimes painfully honest, but it's still a great quality to have.
