Wednesday, June 24

Good Word Wednesday

Hello again. I feel like I should be switching my shoes and putting on my house sweater singing "Won't you be my neighbor" for some reason.

But here we are once again on a Good Word Wednesday tracking down all my nine "Be's". So far, I've got Be True and Be Grateful.
Today I've found:

I've been asked to help out my old ward in Little-Big Town tomorrow evening and teach a short lesson on how to bake using food from our food storage. I am so thrilled to be helping out and can't wait to catch up with everyone.

These wheat thins are a breeze to bake up so I made a test batch yesterday. It didn't go so well. My most honest food critic (Porter) said they tasted like burnt paper with salt. In my defense I'm re-learning how to use an electric oven (I miss our gas oven) so they were left in a tad too long. Today I'll be perfecting my recipe and tyring to improve the paper taste. I think maybe more vanilla and sugar would make them closer to the store bought wheat thins. I'll let you know.

If you're in the Little-Big Town ward, I hope you come and enjoy the evening tomorrow. It's going to be great fun and you'll learn a lot. Maybe not from me, but you can sample my salty paper crackers. They're really healthy. How's that for incentive? If you can't make it out tomorrow, you should at least whip up a batch of these crackers just for fun. Your kids may think they taste like paper, but I promise your husband will think you're a total rockstar for even trying.

1 comment:

  1. i would totally come! (if i were anywhere close to little-big town) my cooking skills need some serious help. i don't even want to think about how my batch would've turned out... scary. :)
