Saturday, September 5

I am a list maker. On Friday nights I make my "Do in one hour" list. It's a list of all the things that I want to accomplish in one hour first thing on a Saturday morning.
Today's list read:
Start laundry
Make grocery list
Sweep and mop
Iron church shirts
Clean out fridge
Wash car

Today's list now sits abandoned on the kitchen table. We woke up this morning to the sounds of rolling thunder and soft rain drops against the window. Well, this changes everything. Saturday's chores have been called on account of rain.
These are some of the flowers in our front yard in between the morning down pour.


  1. That is your do in one hour list?? Girl, you are invited over to my house on Saturday morning any day! My do in one hour list includes fighting Maddy to eat breakfast and do hair, fighting myself to do my hair, and lazily eating a bowl of crispix. You are my hero!

  2. It's a contest I have with myself. If I can get the things on the list done, then I can spend the rest of the day doing whatever I want. Or just spend it finishing my list... ;)

  3. Well the car was washed--technically speaking. So there is something to check off the list. hehe. I usually pick one big project a day and do bits and pieces of the other stuff through out the week.

  4. I gotta give you props for just making a to do list! I usually just think of what I might be able to get done and then hope that some of them actually happen.

  5. Rain definitely negates chores in my book!
