Tuesday, September 8

Labor-free Labor Day

Even with an extra day thrown in, this weekend went by way too fast. Saturday Olen was out of town for work and the weather was just so lovely that the kids and I stuck around the house watching movies and baking cinnamon rolls (I have a killer recipe, I'll give it to you tomorrow).

Sunday involved a much needed recharge of the spiritual batteries and then dropping the minors off with Nana and Papa so Olen and I could drive to Tucson and visit his pops, Billy Ray, in the hospital down there. He's recovering from heart surgery and children under twelve years aren't allowed in. We plan on taking them later this week when dad is on a new level and the kids won't wake the neighbors.

On the way home from Tucson Olen and I made ambitious plans for our day home together, Labor Day. We decided to wake up early and have a great breakfast then head over to the in-laws and mow the lawns and I noticed the rose bushes needed trimming and Porter and London could go to the garden to do the weeding. A little service project to start the day, right? Then we would come back to our house and do our own yard work and try to better organize the storage shed we built a month ago. Such wonderful hopes and good intentions. Instead we all slept in till nine o'clock and didn't do anything productive with our morning unless you count eating breakfast. Good thing we had made plans for the afternoon, or else I would have been content to stay home and rearrange pictures and sort through baby girl clothes all day.

After a very lazy and low key morning we headed back to our old stomping grounds of Little Big Town and joined family at the arena for some BBQ and horseback riding. We made homemade root beer (one of my most favorite things in this world) and grilled meat and rode the ponies, got a few bug bites and had a great time.

Oh home made root beer, it's magical.

Auntie Aubrey came with us to the arena and got her cowgirl on.

London getting to know her ride, Snickers.

This is how a boy says yee-haw.

This is how a girl says yee-haw.

London and I went in to check on the grub and Porter and Aubrey stayed till the sun set.

Gotta go now, Olen will be back from mowing his parent's lawn soon and I promised to be ready and show him how I want the storage shed done...


  1. What a fun weekend! Even if you slept in :) Cute pictures of the kids on the horses.

  2. Great pictures Molly. Sorry to hear about Billy Ray. Hope he is doing well we will be praying for a quick recovery.
    Glad you had a good time with the family.
    I really enjoy your blog. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  3. Sounds like a great labor day to me. I spent the day laboring on pictures. Poor me. :) I want to go horse back riding! What a fun thing for kids to be able to do! You're such an awesome mom.

  4. We had a nice weekend. We did my birthday on Sunday and had a house full of people. Monday we went shopping and I bought me bath and body works stuff with a gift card. It was a good weekend. I'm glad yours was nice. The kids are really lucky to get to ride horses.

  5. Sounds just the way Labor Days are supposed to be! btw - I'm cooking up a way to make coupon organizing super easy so you won't have to get a head ache thinking about it ;)
