Wednesday, October 14

Good Word Wednesday: Final Preparations

It's like a good friend said, "You will always look better the last day of your pregnancy than the first day after giving birth." If that's the case, I plan to live it up.
Meet my gorgeous cousin, Jessica, she is a genius with the hair colors and cuts. My hair has a date with her every six weeks, but today she so graciously came to me before going to work this morning. Jess, thank-you so much. Now my daughter's first look at her mother will be one without roots.

My Good Word this Wednesday is: Pamper (And I ain't talking about the diapers, well, not yet.)
What is your favorite form of pampering?
Spa day? Mani-pedi? G.N.O.? What...?


  1. Professional Massage, love them!

  2. My pamper of choice is a pedicure. But going out with my honey for guilt free dating probably beats that. I just don't know if that counts?

  3. A good book and a little chocolate...oh and quiet.

  4. GNO looks too much like GYNO for my liking and I got a little crindge when you listed it as pampering. That aside I love myself a nice facial. Egyptian Secret has the best lady who does facials.

  5. Getting my hair done is so relaxing. I LOVE IT!

  6. I love a good book or a date with my honey - I don't get too much of either these days.

  7. Spa day! And right after that a personal vacation where I have to do absolutely nothing and answer to absolutely nobody!

  8. Love it. Your hospital pics look good, no roots in sight! Love you with dark hair....

    ...I don't pamper myself. :( Sad realization suddenly. Must change this.
