Saturday, October 10

Tri-monthly Sister Brunch

Now I know what you're thinking as you look at this picture, I should change the title of my blog to As Told By Ginormica. But no, dear reader, that really is yours truly.
Don't hate the sweet waitress for the blurry picture, it's not really her fault. I think my camera is on its last leg. We'll need a new one before Daisy gets here, any suggestions? Please, otherwise I'll just get the prettiest point-and-shoot on the shelf.
Chelsea, Bethany, Katie Mae and Me.
Katie and Darcy, two words: missed you (so much).


  1. super fun! we should start having sister brunches more than tri-monthly. don't look ginormouse... just happily prego! i mean you DO still have 3 more months!

  2. Go with a canon they are really good!!

  3. Tri-monthly!? Wow! And is that crackers and co?! Sad I missed it, especially since I'm all alone in CO with my kids. =(

  4. Yes it was Crackers. Wow good stuff over there.

    Canon, eh? That's what we've got the last two times and liked them both. Maybe we'll stick with tradition.

  5. You look adorable! And no where near Ginormica! As for camera suggestions... I really don't know. Research online first.

  6. Ginormica! I don't think so, you look amazing!
    You are so lucky to be able to get together that often like that.

  7. You just look cute. Trust me on this. Wish I could have been an adopted sister on that date! So fun!

  8. We'll have to plan one next month when Katie comes down. It can be for her and Darcy's birthdays.
    I agree with Beth they should be more often then tri-monthly.
