Wednesday, October 21

My Flower Child

Friday was Olen’s birthday. He wanted a joint birthday party with Daisy...
Photobucket that's what I gave him.

I saw my Nurse Midwife on Thursday and she said to get ready. The contractions hit on Thursday evening and I went to bed to rest up. Water broke at 12:30 Friday morning and Olen and I hurried off to the hospital with bags thrown in the back seat and kids still sleeping in their beds. Daisy was born only three very quick hours later perfect and chubby as can be.

The only thing that could make this story completely perfect would be having my mom there holding my hand, but she and Daddio were out of town so I had to be the brave girl she taught me to be. I know she wanted to be there too, but life moves on its own schedule and I could feel their prayers with me instead. However, there were two things that made this birth experience semi-perfect; the first was my Nurse Midwife. Never have I had such personal attention by a medical provider who genuinely cared about my comfort and well-being.

Secondly was the epidural. Yeah, cheesey and I’ll spare you details, but it was so needed. I had my first two births without an epidural, or “naturally” as they say, because I knew I could do it and I wanted to be able to say I had been there and done that. Now that I’ve been there, I won’t be doing that again without one.

When Daisy was laid on my tummy taking her first confused breaths and trying to adjust to the light, I was totally in the moment. My mind and body were right there and the world stopped as I finally met the person who liked to squat on my bladder and kick my ribs and I fell totally in love.

Special Thank-you to: Haskel and Valerie, for being our home-base and keeping our kids safe and happy. Wendy Hall CNM, for her level head and tender heart. Katie Mae, for keeping our fish alive and mailbox empty. And to Olen, for never letting go of my hand.


  1. I have been waiting for this!!! That's so great that you went into labor naturally and you got to experience the epidural. I can't go back to doing it natural after having it, it was amazing and I'm glad it was for you too. Daisy is absolutely a doll and I can't wait to meet her. How is London loving her baby sis?!

  2. How fun that she shares a birthday with her daddy! She really is going to be a daddy's girl now :)
    Congrats again, glad it all went so well.

  3. Oh the perfect post for the perfect baby. It was a dimple I spied in that first picture! She is so very lovely. You look great too! Love those pigtails. Also, I didn't know you had your first two without an epidural! I had to have one with my c-section. I have heard good things on both sides of the coin. Did you feel like your recovery was worse though with an epidural? I just need to know because Maddy's birth was kind of traumatic and I kind of blamed some stuff on the epidural. Okay, too long of a comment. Love you!

  4. I think I'm kinda living through you right now. These last few weeks are killing me and I litterally think of you and your Daisy almost every single day and it helps me keep going.
    I have both mine with an epidural and I plan on having every single one with an epidural. It made my labors actually enjoyable. I either slept, played yahtzee, or just watched tv and relaxed until it was time to push. The delivery is by far my favorite part of the pregnancy. After I have baby "P" (her name is a secret but it starts with a P so that's what everyone calls her!) I would love for our new little ones to meet! Hope you are recovering well.

  5. Epidurals are the way to go. I almost had to go 'natural' with my son. Thankfully my knight in shinning scrubs prevented that! Congrats again. You and baby are beautiful!

  6. So Glad everything went well and she is a total doll!! What a great Birthday present for Olen :o)

    There is no one like Wendy...she absolutly ROCKS~love her:)

  7. oh molly how i love you.
    congrats, she is a babe, just like you :)

  8. I'm totally choked up. She's beautiful and I am SO happy for you guys! Molly, you look great!

  9. She is so adorable! What a great story and how fun for Olen and Daisy to have the same birthday. Congrats!

  10. Yay!!! Congrats:) How neat that she shares a birthday with her dad! I'm glad everything went well with the delivery. I am hoping to use a CNM with my next pregnancy, they are great!
    Enjoy your babymoon:)

  11. She is a cutie. Ammon loves sharing his birthday with Hannah. It was such a special day for him and it gave them an instant bond that they will always share.

  12. Congrats Molly! She is beautiful!

  13. Congrats!! She is beautiful :o) I am just sooo happy for you and your little family.

    PS - Glad to hear she has 10 toes :o)
