Friday, January 15

Flashback Friday: Coco Buns

Yesterday I geared up to make some cinnamon rolls because it was a home-made-something kind of day. Flashing back today to my cinnamon roll recipe. Well, I've been running the idea of using instant chocolate pudding instead, since sometimes I change it up and use instant lemon pudding for my lemon buns. I finally put my theory to the test and it was one chocolaty sweet success. (Be warned, this one will surely throw the best new year's resolution to eat better out the window.)

Reviews from my in-house food critics:
Olen: "Something's off. Maybe with a little tweaking they would be perfect."
Me: "And that's why you're eating another one. Want more milk with that?"
Olen: "Um, yes. More milk would be good."
Me: "Uh-huh..."

Porter - (After one bite.) "Mom, these are like something you would eat with ice cream. Or maybe without all the frosting."
(But this is from my hates-all-candy-and-sweets-except-for-Snickers kid, so I'm not surprised.)

London: "I want two!!!"

Here's the change-up:
Follow the cinnamon roll recipe found here and substitute instant chocolate pudding when called for vanilla and omit the cinnamon. That's it.

For the frosting I used a sour cream semi-sweet chocolate recipe that I'm still working on. I should have written down exact measurements but I usually end up estimating anyways. Here's how it went and you can adjust as needed.
1/2 c butter, softened (salted or unsalted just NOT margarine)
1 c semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted (by microwave or double burner)
3 heaping tablespoons of sour cream (by "heaping" I mean imagine it's 1986 and you're swirling a palm full of mousse into your hand. Use that much.)
Enough powdered sugar to make the frosting as thick as you would like.
The chocolate chips are pretty rich so taste as you go, especially if sour cream frosting isn't really your cup of tea.

To me these taste like a distant cousin to a chocolate glazed cake donut. I love chocolate glazed cake donuts, actually they are my favorite. I had to give some away because I have no self control when it comes to chocolate bread rolled with butter and brown sugar covered in frosting.
If you try this recipe, will you let me know what you think? I want them to be perfect and I've been told they need a little tweaking first.


  1. I think I got a cavity just by reading that. But they do look good!

  2. Okay, YOU are crackING me up today.
    And on MY blog!
    How dare you make me laugh.
    Seriously though, could you stick those in an envelope and mail them to me?

  3. Ooooh yum. Chocolately goodness!!!

  4. You are a creative little Betty aren't you! Those actually sound good and I'm not a huge chocolate fan either.

  5. I have one word to say "evil" man I really am just going to have to make those now. They look sooo good!

  6. yummmm. And I can't wait until Monday. So...hurry up. :)

  7. Oh my chocolatey goodness.

  8. Sounds super interestingly good. I'm such a sucker for chocolate! I'm going to give them a try, even though your original recipe is amazing.
