Monday, January 25

Three Months


She sleeps through the night.
She snorts when she laughs.
She smiles for strangers.
She sucks on her right hand.
She's got great curves.
She rolls over from her back to her tummy, but only from the right side.
She knows who her mommy is.
She's keeping those baby blues.


  1. She is smiles so fast too. She is so sweet.

  2. Yeah! Glad she is sleeping through the night for you. She is so cute!

  3. squishy is the perfect name for that bundle of sweetness. give her a kiss for me

  4. I love the Dory reference! She is soooo cute, Molly. Hard to believe she is already 3 months old.

    Did you get my info? If not you, you can email me privately: eljayster at gmail dot com

  5. How times flies! I love watching her, she gives me my baby fix without all the pain and inches!

  6. Whata cutie! I'm so glad you're pregnancy was successful and that everything worked out so wonderfully for you.

  7. And she is one of the cutest Roo's I have ever seen!

  8. Wow, it's hard to believe Daisy is already 3 months! I love your collage of her photos. She is absolutely beautiful!! You do such a great job with your blog, by the way. You are quite the talented writer and creative girl indeed!

  9. Top-right photo = heaven. Look at the fat rolls on her upper arm! HOw stinkin' cute! Such beautiful blue eyes, especially if she has decided to keep them!
