Monday, July 7

4th of July American Pie

And we're back from another fun-filled 4th of July weekend in Heber, AZ. We ate and played and ate and watched the awesomest fireworks ever and ate some more. It was a grand ol' time. Just scroll on down and let the pictures do the talking.

It is the tradition of the parade to squirt and be squirted. "Grandma" Wendy provided the guns and ammo and the kids provided the squirting. Porter kept his gun loaded and pumped so if you dare shed a drop of water on him you better expect a blast of water back. He was lethal. (Don't you love how he's posing like there is actually a scope on his water gun?! Oh, and check out his TWO missing top teeth. So cute.)

Our 'Little L' and her amazing smile. Can't you just hear her saying "CHEEEEESEEE" straight through your computer screen?

And here's me and Olen. I can't think of anything to say about this picture except check out all the sexy silver hair Olen is getting. I love it. (And I'm told I'm fully responsible for it. So, yay me!)

Porter with our cousins Holly and Clancy are aimed and ready to shoot anything that moves down the parade line; except the fancy cars and horses we were told. Party poopers.

Then the fire trucks come and show everyone their water guns. Luckily we remembered our umbrella. We sat by some first-timers that asked us why we brought our umbrellas (before they saw the fire trucks), next year they'll know better.

Porter got a dose of his own medicine.

Dripping full of fun!

So here we are in our patriotic duds waiting for the fireworks show Saturday night. Can you believe I made my mother-in-law take our family picture five times and this is the best we could give?! Thanks anyways Arlyce!

Porter doesn't realize yet how totally lucky he is to have boy cousins his same age on every side of his family. Here's Port with our cousin Dawson; quite a pair! London wanted to be with Porter to watch the fireworks...

...but they were so bright and loud she kept covering her eyes. Port is so sweet with his Buttercup.

We hope your Independence Day weekend was full of fun and family and friends, too. Tell us all about it!

Thanks to Whitney and DeVal for sharing their cabin and thanks to Valerie and Haskel for sharing their food!

Can't wait till next year!


  1. Those pictures are so cute! I especially love the ones of Porter and London waiting for the fireworks!! He is such a good big brother!

  2. The pics of the kids together are my favorite! It's good to know they do love each other MOST of the time :) hehe

    Glad you had such a wonderful weekend! I missed out on the small town whoorah this year & am totally sad :(

  3. Looks like it was a total blast! Did you get rained on up there? It rained on our way home from Utah and I was SO happy!

  4. We all decided that the Heber fireworks were WAY better then St. George. Maybe next year we will make the trip to Heber.

  5. You got some great pictures! I love the cheese picture..Caison totally does that too:) Girl you are so darn cute & dont even know it;)

    I saw your hubby for a second, it was crazy down there! It's a Heber reunion! Talking to everyone, my head was pounding it's crazy! Every year I think it can't get more does!! I am glad you had a great time!

  6. I'm glad we got to see your family. Olen kept making fun of me for talking to everyone. Thanks for making room for us on the tarp, we always have a great time in Heber.

    Of course we will see you next time!

  7. Sounds (and looks!!!) like an awesome time. Luckeeeeee.....
