Tuesday, July 29

Well, Olen is gone till Thursday on a fishing trip to Utah with some buddies.
This means that the night owl in me gets to stay up as late as she can. Whoo! Whoo!
I have absolutely nothing to post except that I'm pretty wide awake and about to watch a movie and fold laundry. (Hum...fishing trip...folding laundry...something's not adding up here.)
Oh, guess what?! The new Fry's in town has a complete natural foods section. It's my newest favorite hang out. They even have the grid-your-own-peanut-butter machine. It's on sale right now, so go down and get your PB and J on. I bought three pounds today. That is some good eats.
Hollar to Bethany! who's "special friend" comes home from his mission tomorrow. I'm excited sicky sicky for you, B.


  1. Molly, you're a gal after my own heart! I always stay up late when DeVal's away - it's funny that I seem to spend the whole time at the sewing machine, or making a huge mess sorting out something...the only problem is that he's not there in the morning to take care of baby so I can sleep in! Ha - oh, well! Have a fun time. It was soooo fun to have you guy at my class. I'm still waiting to hear some good news(?)...

  2. holla right back atcha sista girl!

  3. ps. maybe i will come over some night with my (what did you call it?) "special friend"! since you are all by your lonesome! we can keep you company!

  4. I am lonesome Beth come to my house! Molly, I do the same thing when Jacob is away. I think it because one I dont' like to go to bed alone so the longer I stay up the less time I am alone and two now I have my turn to watch all the movies that he doen't like to watch with me.

  5. Ha! That's dito for me, pal. I watched "Open House: The Musical" for about 20 minutes and realized it was even too dumb for me and turned it off. But it did put me to sleep!
