Monday, July 14

I took out my camera and then noticed I was the only mom taking pictures (eek!) so I settled for just one shot and quickly tucked my camera back into my purse...

School doesn't officially start till August 6th, but summer classes for first graders at Porter's school started today. Porter was pretty excited to start school today and was telling London not to worry because he would still be her friend even though he's a "First Grader" now.

In other news...
We had a busy-busy weekend. Friday was Billy Ray's (Olen's Daddy) 70th Birthday Party. Such fun.

Then Saturday Porter lost another tooth. Tell me, please, is it normal for kids to loose a tooth once a week during this age? I can't tell for sure if it is, or if Porter has discovered that loosing teeth can be a lucrative business for a six year old. Oh, here's a funny. Well, you know how Porter is totally allergic to cats? Well, Porter woke up the morning after the Tooth Fairy visited him and was sneezing and having such an allergy fit. I said, "Oh, sounds like your allergies are high today." And he said, "Yeah, I guess the Tooth Fairy must be a cat" and went to put his money away. I just had to smile. It must be a cat.

So, back to the weekend. Saturday afternoon was Cara's (sister-in-law) baby shower and that was great. I found out I like quiche. Who knew?! Great job Arlissa et al.

Later that night we went to Christopher's and Katie's Miller St. Cottage for some delish dinner and games. Stayed too late because it was too fun to leave.

Sunday was Justin's (cousin) homecoming and since his family is in the same ward as my in-law's we did some more hanging out.

Sunday was also Aubrey's (my baby sister and Porter's best friend) birthday. She's nine. So we went over to the folks for more food and cake. Good end to a good weekend.


  1. Guess what game we played Beth and Chels? Here's a hint...
    the exhibitionist!

  2. Molly never be embrassed about taking pictures. How was your song black-haired sister of mine? haha
    Oh and we got Oggy's present on Monday, he loved it!!!
    thanks pal

  3. FACES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it's the funnest late at night.

    we need to schedule an all-nighter-faces-face-off very soon!

  4. Done, let's play FACES and ROCK BAND! We'll get drunk on energy drinks, dress funky and take pictures so we can blog about it.

  5. Hey me too! Me too!

    We should all be at the same event and blog about it our own way. Our own 'vantage point' if you will.

  6. Cute pic of Port....he looks so proud!!
