Saturday, June 26

Day Three

Friday, June 25th, 2010
- Driving tour of Ft. Collins
- Window shopping in downtown Ft. Collins
- Amazing cookie store - they sell only cookies!
- Bald Eagles at the birds of prey reserve
- Music in the fountain park
- Scrap metal art museum (Note to self: Learn how to weld.)
- Nature walks through the woods
- More Smash Burger
My niece, Cecily, walking her pet dog "Puddles". 

Isn't Bethany the cutest?? Chelsea's got a baby bump, too, ya know. No, you can't see it yet. But it's there.
This shot would have worked if that kid in the green shorts didn't interrupt our water stream. Even still, I like it. 
Take two. Funny how Chelsea is the furthest away from the water but the only one worried about getting wet. 
Daisy and Finny (Fiona Joy)
Another reason today has been a great day!


  1. I'm first I'm first! happy birthday again! There are more than 29 reasons why I love you, and I won't list them, but still, you rock. Also, I love the pictures of all of the sisters and the cute babies. What a great looking trip. (and did you make your moby-looking wrap or buy it? Cute!)

  2. Happy Birthday, Molly! I saw London at church yesterday...not only did her tights match her shirt, but her hair looked pretty wonderful, too! It seems your orgnizing the pantry provided Olen with enough strength to do a rock-star job on his daughter's hair! Perhaps we've found a new career path for him!

  3. Oh, how much fun we had those few days! If I wasn't going to see you in just 11 days, I think I would still be in bed overcome by homesickness right now. Maybe my baby will grow a bunch between now and then and I'll have something to show!

    p.s. I think you'd flinch too at that stream of water shooting right at your face too if you were at the end!!

  4. Hahaha Chelsea! Yeah, maybe...

    Micah, I set out clothes for Olen to put London in for church. Heehee! London did give me the report that daddy did her hair every day and that was much more than I even hoped for!

    Jenn, the Moby was a gift from Olen. He bought it from a Moby dealer down here and I love it. It's nothing like a sling and Daisy is so happy in it.

  5. It looks like such fun, I love being with sisters
