Tuesday, June 8

Random Thoughts

The camping laundry is done, well except for the clothes that get hung up. For some reason I always loose motivation when I finally get to the hang-up clothes. I've almost totally finished unpacking, too. Everything is back in its own grey tote that we use for the camping gear. I just have to maneuver them back into their spot in the storage shed now. We really need to have a garage sale.

During Olen's last two over-night fishing trips I've been boxing and bagging up unwanted or discarded items from closets and cupboards that are ready and waiting to be loved by someone else. I've made up a fabulous summer-time schedule for my kids and me complete with "Daily Specials" like science projects and field trips and play dates and I haven't started any of it. Summer came two weeks ago and hit me in the face like a Louisville Slugger, I'm still seeing stars.

The days go by so fast and before I know it it's dinner time and I haven't even had a chance to think about the breakfast dishes. Three days after we got home from The Reunion London came down with a fever that was joined by a cough and runny nose. One look down her swollen throat told me that fever was fighting something more than a cold so I've had her down resting and filling her up with homeopathic remedies and Otter Pops. Then two days ago Daisy started to fuss for no reason, and if you know my Daisy she never fusses without reason, so I got out my checklist of signs and found the reasons on her bottom gums; Daisy is getting her first teeth.

My other kids didn't break their first teeth till nine-months and Daisy is just shy of eight-months so she caught me off guard. I've been popping her teething pills and rubbing her mouth with Baby Orajel and we're managing. She finally outgrew her cradle and I've moved her into her crib and she hates it. She rolls around and calls for someone to get her out. I can handle the pressure, but Olen and Porter always give in to her little cries for rescue.

So between two cranky girls with irregular sleeping schedules, I'm running on half a tank. I think I would be on empty if it weren't for Porter's help everyday. For example, on Sunday London's fever was at its highest and Daisy's gums were hurting and her nose was running and Olen woke up with a migraine triggered by sleeping on the edge of London's toddler bed, so when Porter woke up wondering why were weren't dressing for church I told him how I needed to stay home so daddy could sleep off the head ache and I could take care of the girls. He said he knew the way and could walk to church on his own because he had his clothes already laid out. I don't know that a greater lesson of faith could have been taught to me that day.

Daisy has a special smile for Porter and he has been her full-time entertainer while I have been switching movies and medicating London. Olen's migraine cleared up and he has been busy trying to catch up from the week off of work. I've been pumping up my own vitamins because I leave in a couple weeks to visit Christopher and Katie (brother and sister-in-law) in Colorado with Katie Mae and Bethany and Chelsea (three of my six sisters) and I will not let anything stop me from going. I think I haven't been this excited about anything since Christmas Eve when I was seven. In fact, I get teary-eyed with joy just thinking of meeting up with Chelsea and Chris at the Denver baggage claim.

I've been tearing up a lot lately. I think I may be premenstrual (TMI? Sorry.). This morning I got a speeding ticket (yeah, yeah...another one) and I cried once the officer walked back to his motorcycle. Too bad those water works didn't start while he was at my car window explaining how the darn street goes from 45 to 40 to 35 miles per hour and I was going 46 in a 35. I wish the bear hug I got from Olen when I got home could have stopped me from going to traffic school like it stopped me from crying. Well, Daisy is finally asleep. I just checked on her and she's sleeping sideways on top of the crib's bumper pads, I thought about moving her but she looks like she doesn't mind so I just covered her up. London isn't running a fever anymore but she doesn't want to leave "her chair" so I don't think we'll be doing much today and I guess that's okay, I still have clothes to hang up. 

Because every post is better with a picture: Porter is developing his own sense of style and it's starting to show. He said, "Mom, I've added a new decoration on my wall! Come see it because it looks really cool." So I go see and agree that it does look really cool and my heart hurts a little because I know it won't be long before he's asking me to take down his little cowboy decorations I've put up for these past eight years so he can replace them with what he thinks is really cool.

One of these things is not like the other.... 
(Those are his "Man Bat" wings from Halloween, if you were wondering.)

Camping pictures to come...there's a lot.


  1. I'm with ya with the emotions being all over. I cried the other night cause my underwear was bugging me. So if I could give you a big hug I would!

    ps: Sorry about the ticket.

  2. I love posts like this. I feel like we just talked on the phone...(or you talked and i listened.) :)

    And trust me. I know what you mean about crying. We watched the Time Travelers Wife last night and i was bawling even after it was over. I don't think Chase had the slightest idea of what to do or say cause he just kept hugging me and saying "it's ok baby. it was just a movie. It's ok. please don't be sad." over and over again. And just hours before that i was crying because the wart on my thumb won't go away.

    It's weird to me that i have a nephew as old as Porter. I can only imagine how you feel as a MOM! But he is growing up into such a handsome and smart little man. Good Job, Molly.

  3. nothing like a good cry. I too have had the tears on tap lately. Thank goodness for bear hugs and sweet promises that everything's going to be okay.

    But nothing beats a sister hug ("connect four").

    p.s. only 14.5 days

  4. Gosh, that looks just like MY husband's wall! He LOVES having his bat wings on display. He isn't over the cowboy thing yet, so maybe it will be longer for Porter to get over it. John is 27...

  5. I hear boots and wings are in this year.
    I'd definitely take the rope down.
    So passe.

  6. I so agree with Bethany, I feel like I just got to talk to you on the phone and that is the best feeling ever. I hear you on the running on half tank lately, but I think you have more of a reason to do so than I do! Sick kids will drain you like no one's business, not to mention coming back from camping and everyone's schedules being off from that alone. So I think you're doing pretty terrific to handle all of that and not be crying every hour on the hour! You'll be back to your old self soon, you awesome-mommy-of-three you!
