Monday, June 14

Reynolds Reunion 2010

School ended on May 20th and the summer celebration started.
We attended Andrew's high school graduation and then stayed up till 5 am packing to leave for the Reynolds' Family Reunion the next day.

Now get comfy and put a movie on for the kids. This is going to take a while.
My sister-in-law, Arlissa, was the only Reynolds who wasn't at the Reunion and I dedicate this post to her.

This year Haskel scouted out the perfect spot away from all other Memorial weekend campers and traffic. The weather was picture perfect. No snow. No rain. Not too much sun. Not too much wind. Perfect.

We each take turns making a meal for everyone, this way we only end up cooking once. Our assignment was dinner and Olen said only I would bring my Kitchen Aid camping. I tend to do everything I can to forget I'm actually camping and that's how I have a good time. And when The Mamma is having a good time, everyone is having a good time. Right? Right.

Uncle Brawner brought up their dirt bikes. Porter took to them like a natural, he even figured out on his own how to shift gears to make it go faster. (Darn it.) He looked so cute in the huge helmet and tiny bike making the turns like a pro. Want to guess what he wants for his birthday?

Most nights I gave my kids baby wipe baths. Some nights there just weren't enough baby wipes for the job. That's why for the past three years we've been renting camp trailers. You just can't put a price tag on a warm shower.

Clar and Kristen with Hunter and Nena
Haskel and Val's family (with Madison and Renae in the back)

Cara and Houston with Stratford
 Brawner and Melissa and Heather

Anna, Wyatt, and Holly
Sweet Daisy Lou

My father-in-law, Billy Ray, tells one of his famous stories.
Shane (an adopted member of the Reynolds family) and Arlyce and Billy Ray enjoy a laugh around the campfire.

There's always a lot of campfire sitting and talking and laughing.
I organized a couple of games (from the request of my mother-in-law) and a talent show. Porter shared his talent for folding phenomenal paper airplanes. We had a lot of paper for fire-starting after this.

London's birthday was really the week before the campout, but she's been talking about having her pinata party since last year's birthday so we couldn't stop now.

On Sundays we go on a long drive in the afternoon. Thanks to the rain Arizona has seen this past year there were green fields and full creeks that gave us plenty to see.

The craw dad hunters.

The land lovers.

Daisy wasn't quite crawling yet so she could play on a blanket as long as someone was around to make sure she didn't roll off and start eating pine needles and dirt. She's tricky and loved those pine needles.

Some afternoons got hot and lazy so we hung out in our trailer. Olen passes out otter pops to the cousins just before I pass out for a nap. We made daily trips to the tiny town nearby (Greer) and visited their local Redbox. It was awesome.

Porter found this lizard, Spike was his name, and it clung to Porter's shirt for a whole morning until I made him let it go. I'm not so used to having such a fair-skinned baby like Daisy and she got a little sun on her pink head. I will have to remember sunscreen with her.

London cleared the area of wildflowers. Every time I thought she got them all she would return with another handful. When I washed the laundry once we were home I pulled out flowers, pinecones, and rocks from all her pockets.

Just getting in one more ride before we packed it up for home. I didn't have any interest in going for a ride, but London made sure Olen never rode alone.

The whole wild bunch of us Reynolds.

I tell you every year; you're all invited next time. I hope you come. I promise amazing food, some pretty big fish stories, great people, a few belly laughs, and maybe some new friends. See you there.


  1. Wow, what a grand time. And snow! I am proud the mixer got to experience nature with the rest of the family. Looks like a nice vacation. And well-worth packing until 5:00 AM!

  2. WOW! That was a fun post. I can't get over how cute Daisy is!!! And your trailer looked pretty sweet, and redbox visits?! That's not camping! But who am I to talk I haven't been camping in YEARS so we'll have to join the Reynolds someday. Loved all the pictures!

  3. Wow I look demented in that picture!

  4. This looks like the most fun ever. I especially loved the picture of you snuggling your Daisy. There are never enough pictures of the mom with the baby I am now realizing. I seriously need to organize one of these with my family, it looks like so much fun (especially when you go in a trailer. I had no idea you could rent those!)

  5. I don't really call that camping if you can have a shower everyday and bring your kitchen aid alone. Your a cheater! So that is why I am going camping with you next time. We went camping the same weekend and froze to death in a tent, didn't shower for three days, and cooked only by the heat of a fire.
