Friday, October 3

The ELM in SLC

The England London Mission reunion in Salt Lake City was a beautiful night. Fall was in the air and on the trees. I even got to wear a sweater. Joy! I love Salt Lake City; it's one of my favorite places to visit. I love visiting the church landmarks and how stores aren't open on Sundays, and getting lost and discovering hidden antique neighborhoods where the houses have front porches.
A Few Favorites:
*Getting to meet Olen's favorite mission companion (one of the four Elders in the accident with Olen), Jon Stones and his wife Emily. Thanks again for dinner!
*Meeting Sister Waterfall, who now lives only ten miles from us and we never knew.
*Hugging Olen's mission President, E. Doyle Robison and his wife Beth. My heart is so full of gratitude for these sweet people who love Olen so much.
*Eating candy from London.
* One hour flights from PHX to SLC and hotels with continental breakfasts.
*Hearing stories that started "You should have seen your husband! We used to..."
*Getting to see trees with yellow leaves because it's actualy fall and not because the trees have heat stroke.
*Being Olen's girl.


  1. I am jealous that you got to go to SLC. I love it there! No matter how many times I have been there and seen everything a hundreds time, it will always be one of my favorite places.

  2. What an amazing time you must have had!

  3. I'm so glad you guys went. Mission reunions are always such a fun time.

  4. England missionaries are the best! Here's to good men who served in a great country and then found fabulous :) Glad you had fun...we're headed to Utah next week. Fall weather here we come!
