Thursday, October 23

Holiday Checklist: Get family pictures. Check.

My favorite photographers are offering an amazing deal (who doesn't need a deal?!) for your family's Christmas photo shoot. I just thought I would share the love and let you know before they get booked solid. Schedule your's today. Like now.
Here are some samplings of the work they've done for me and my family in the past. To see their most recent work check out their blog.

P.S. It's Good Word Wednesday! I've told you mine (above), now, what's yours?


  1. Cute pics! We need to get our family pictures taken too. I've been bad about not doing it.

  2. i agree that lifehappens pretty much takes the cake!
    but, it DOES help that you are a freakin super model, MOLLY!!!!!

    oh how i love thee... let me count the ways...
