Friday, February 13

Flashback Friday!

Christmas Day 2008
The whole gang (except Daddio who was standing behind the camera, see below).

Daddio and Mamasista Bonita

Ever see that movie "Cheaper By The Dozen", the one with Helen Hunt and Steve Martin? What a load of crap. I hope you didn't buy it.

Big families are nothing like that. There aren't food fights at every meal, there are never four-person-pile-ups outside the bathroom door and not once was anyone forgotten, lost or left behind.

You wanna know what growing up as #2 out of 12 kids was like (that' right, an even dozen; so now you know I know what I'm talking about)? Well, it was full.

Full of love. Full of laughter. Full of friends and people who understand you. Full of warmth and kindness. Full of fun. Full of work to be shared and sorrows to divide.

After you toss your copy of that bogus flick out the window, you should come on over for a Sunday dinner. Now there is a real life comedy-drama-horror-chick-flick-saga-documentary-biography that you can believe.

And we still always have left-overs.


  1. that was beautiful, molls.

    i have seriously been thinking A LOT about big families... because i really want to have one. and it seems like i see so many different kinds of big families... its nice to know that a really great one CAN exist and that you love yours.

    i happen to like your family, too.

    and why are you all at the cemetery in this picture?

  2. Each Christmas Day (and other times inbetween) we visit the cemetery where my little brother, Zachary Ben, was burried. See, no one is forgotten.

    We're wearing matching shirts (in case that became a question) because we do that every Christmas, too.

  3. nicely depicted molly.

    i think ANYONE from a big family hates that movie cheaper by the dozen. I think thats the only view my mother in law has on our family; is from that movie. im trying to retrain her brain.

  4. After I come help you do your laundry, I want to come over to your parents house with all your siblings and their spouses and have dinner! How does your mom look that good after having 13 kids?

  5. Great post Pal! I too have the same opinion of the horrible stupid movie, and I can't believe they made second one!!!!!!!

    Anyways here's my two cents on growing up Richards. LOOOVE IIIIT!!!!! (anyone who has seen Dragon Tales should know how to say that).

    I mean who wouldn't love living with their best friends?
    Sure there were fights and other miscommunications but but that everywhere.
    We are loud, silly, people and I wouldn't change a darn thing!!!!

  6. I love this post. It's so funny because I remember I always wanted to play at your house because it did feel like a million friends around all of the time. I loved all of your siblings (ok, I was a little scared of Christopher, but I think it was because he had a guinea pig) and I adopted your parents as my second parents while I was there. Your house was always filled with love--you could feel it even as a little kid. How in the world did your parents do it??

  7. Seriously! "Cheaper by the Dozen" was a book first, and it was just as stupid. I like it as a movie, but it has nothing to do with real life.

    I only had 7 siblings...but we still thought we were a big family. Two of my best friends were from families with 15 kids and 13 kids. I fit right in just fine.
