Saturday, February 7

Molly's Rule of Life #2

The Laundry Can Wait.

That's a king-size yo! Embarrassing but true. So whatever.

I've got better things to do...


  1. *sigh*... embracing the now, eh?
    i really need to do that since once this baby comes- i will have no me and Jeff time...

  2. ha ha ha! I think we're all the same. I hate putting the clothes away so I leave them in piles. I already feel bad that I don't iron Chris's shirts for work so I feel EXTRA bad when I'm still asleep in bed while he's looking through the piles of clothes with the lights off so he doesn't wake me. Gosh, I've got a great guy.

  3. Wow Katie, that sounds so like my house; only the kids' clothes get put away because they are now old enough to be forced to do it themselves :) Except Liam, but Ruth does that with minimal pouting. (Since I hate ironing, and Marcus hates paying the dry cleaner so his button ups are rarely worn.) That reminds me, I forgot the clothes in the washer...

  4. ME TOO!!! This is why I love you! You get me!

  5. I love this post! Well put. :)
