Tuesday, February 16

Four months came way too fast.

(Thanks to Auntie Lisa for the outfit and flower clip. So cute!)

She's discovered her hands and stares at them any time she's not asleep or being held.
She gets really sad when she's left alone in a room.
She has chosen Porter as her favorite; he can always make her laugh.
She babbles and coos and London can translate what she says. She's usually saying "London".
She hates tummy time.
She loves to cuddle.

Here are all my babies at four months. Daisy reminds me so much of Porter, in looks and temperament, but I can see a lot of London in her too.


  1. All my kids hated tummy too. My brother always spoiled me so he was my favorite too. ;) I can't believe how fast it has gone. She is sooo cute.

    I have something for you at my blog

  2. It does go so fast! She is so cute.

  3. She is so big! It really goes by so fast. she totally is a Porter Jr. Gives lots of kisses for me on those cheeks!

  4. This post makes me so happy. If only I could steal that baby for a few snuggle-fests. The cuteness is just undescribable.

  5. She's absolutely adorable, Molly!

  6. Just stumbled onto your blog. I have to say she is a cutie.... they grow up and change so fast.

  7. She is absolutely adorable and growing so so fast! How's she sleeping for you now?

  8. Aloha,
    ok what ever you do don't blink cause she will be graduating high school before you know it.....enjoy her she is darling
    Aloha wishes from across the sea
