Saturday, February 20

You make me happy when skies are grey.

Yesterday was so sunshiney, yes that's a word, and warm. Today is cloudy, chilly and raining.
I had such high hopes for today and the yard work that was to be accomplished, oh well.
Instead we pulled out the half-priced paint sets I've been saving for a rainy day such as this.
Now I'll catch up on the kids' journals while they watch a movie.
I'm thinking a little ghetto toffee would make this day perfect.


  1. what a fun way to spend the day! Take that rain and gloom! *shakes a fist*

  2. I miss rainy AZ days. Although waking up the next day and it's sunny would always make me cranky. It's snowing up a storm here. It started Thursday evening and is supposed to continue till Monday. It's awesome!

  3. that's kinda funny because on presidents day we had planned to go on a picnic and that was the one day that it snowed. :) ah the best laid plans of mice and moms. do tell more about your kids journals sometime!

  4. this last week has just been dreamy...and now rain. Mother Nature really has to stop messing with me!

  5. Cute! And we love painting around here. My daughter is always asking to do it

  6. Wow, that is one SCHNAZZY crayon Porter is using! I bet he was the hit of the class with those things! I love days like this, but I am ready for them to leave for a few weeks if they stay more than one day. I live in Arizona...I can be that demanding about the weather!
