Monday, October 5

Forcing Fall

Around these parts of Arizona, the only way we get to experience the season of fall is by pretending. I made a pumpkin cobbler last night because I needed it to also smell like fall. So delish. That's a recipe everyone should have. It smells just like those fancy candles but tastes way better.

FJ1W Report: My goal was to make a double batch of meals for the week and freeze half for quick re-heating when Daisy arrives. I totally flunked the assignment because I only made one meal (tortilla soup) capable of freezing. So I'll just carry out the goal till next week, I'm a pretty easy going teacher and believe in make-up assignments.

Go make your house smell like fall...
Aunt Colleen's Pumpkin Cobbler
1 30oz can of Libby's Easy Pumpkin Pie Mix
2 eggs
2/3 c evaporated milk
1 yellow cake mix
1/2 to 1 c butter, melted (you may need more, you may need less)

Coat 9x13 baking pan with non-stick cooking spray and preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together pumpkin pie mix, eggs and evaporated milk. Spread evenly into pan. Dust dry cake mix over the top of pumpkin mix. Pour melted butter in a zig-zag pattern over cake mix, till cake mix has absorbed all butter and there aren't any more dry spots. Bakes for like 45ish minutes, I think (I wasn't timing). Just bake till the pumpkin is solid and the butter on the cake mix has turned golden brown. Cool on rake for one to two hours till pumpkin has set and eat up! This is even great the morning after for a sweet breakfast. Experiment with the size of pan you use, maybe you want your pumpkin layer a little thicker and would prefer to use a smaller pan, just adjust your bake time accordingly.


  1. So where's the recipe?! And the decor looks fantastic!

  2. Man I think you should start a decorating business and that I should be your first free client. :) Looks like your forcing fall is more impressive than my real fall! Can't wait to see the recipe. But do tell, is it very extremely pumpkiny like the pie, or hint of pumpkiny? That is my question.

  3. It's like a pumpkin upside down cake with just enough pumpkiny. :) I'll add the recipe, cuz it's just too easy.

  4. I am totally drooling over this recipe! And your decor is fabulous. I am totally failing FJW1. I really need to focus.

  5. LOVE those pictures!!
    It is such cute decor but the pictures you took of it are just amazing.

  6. I love your fall decor! I'm going to play around with your cobbler recipe....seems like it'd be good GF. ;)
