Wednesday, October 28

Good Word Wednesday: Night Owl

"Who? Who?"

I’m functioning on a combined four hours of sleep. Daisy and I rendezvous every other hour for a snack and staring competition during the night. I’m partly to blame for my sleep depravation, though. I loose track of time as I examine her perfectly round head and her ears, nose and crazy dimpled chin that she took from her daddy’s side of the family. I hold her tiny feminine hands and wrists and notice her long fingers and toes aren’t from me, either. I rub her peach fuzzy head and wonder if her transparent eye lashes and white eyebrows might be a clue that she may be my one blond baby, and I keep my fingers crossed that her eyes will stay blue. Then I realize that she’s finished her bottle about twenty minutes ago and has fallen back to sleep and I’m, yet again, the undisputed champion of our staring competition.

My Good Word this Wednesday: Catching up.
Catching up on bending over to pick things up with my hands instead of my feet. Catching up on playing tickle time and making paper dolls with London. Catching up on laying down next to Porter on the floor and not having to ask him for a boost to stand up. Catching up on hugging Olen without my tummy getting in the way. Catching up on feeling like me again.


  1. She is beautiful! And it sounds like you are doing awesome.

  2. You should catch up on visits and come play at my house. I'll make you a treat!!!

  3. She looks like a baby doll! What a beautiful girl she is. 4 hours is completely doable. Hopefully she will continue to give you lengthy naps. ;)

  4. Daisy is a perfect little baby. And I love the catch up part after having a baby. The feeling of being able to bend over and pick things up with your fingers... quite exhilarating. :) I'll post that recipe soon.

  5. Oh she is so very sweet! And I thought the dimples came from your side of the family. The first thing I thought of when I saw that dimple was your Dad--doesn't he have one just like her's? What a lovey, I don't blame you for winning the staring contest.

  6. Jenn, you're right. That dimple comes at her from all sides really. Both grandpas and a great-grandpa and a daddy all have that clever little dimple.

    Crystel, I was this close to getting that grabber thing you used to pick things up with! And I am already drooling for those pumpkin pancakes. :)

  7. She really is perfect! I can't wait to meet her. I need to get some baby loves in!
