Wednesday, February 3

"Did you know..."

(We got Porter new glasses yesterday. I tried to talk him into getting this pair, but I was shut down. He did let me take his picture and we sent it to Olen asking if he liked Port's new frames. Olen texted back, "Really?" and then we had a great laugh.)

Porter finds answers for everything and then loves sharing them with me because, you know, I don’t know as much as an eight year-old boy. And ain't that the truth! After a talk with Porter I always am more educated.

This was our conversation earlier this week while I was helping Porter with his homework (he started division and cursive). The stuff he was saying was too good to forget so I left the table to get a notebook and started writing everything down as he said it. I told him I was making a grocery list and he kept asking what was so funny about the groceries when I couldn’t hold back a few giggles.

“Did you know that pepperoni was invented by the French people?”
“No, I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah, cuz English words never end in ‘i’ or ‘u’ or ‘v’, so it had to be the French people.”
“Had to be.”

“Can I make a mini satellite?”
“Well, what would you need to make a mini satellite?”
“One 9 volt battery, four tiny pieces of wire, some tin foil maybe six inches, and can I use that calculator that only works in the sun?”
“I have everything but the tin foil.”

“Did you know that a zillion has 17 zeros? And a trillion has 16 zeros?”

“Did you know a kilometer is more than a mile?”
“Like it takes more kilometers to make a mile?”
“No, like it’s waayy bigger than a mile. Like it takes, oh, about six kilometers to get to the store, so it would probably take maybe thirty to get to California.”

“Mom, I know what you could do to stop getting speeding tickets.”
(I got ONE speeding ticket a couple weeks ago. Old news.)
“You know how sometimes you get a head ache cuz your phone is ringing and LaLa is screaming and I know you have a hand full (he means hands full) so you get stressed out? On those days you should just drive really really slow or don't drive at all. But don’t forget to pick me up.”
“Okay. I can do that.”

I cherish these conversations with my son. They allow time for me to congratulate him on thinking things out on his own and also time so I can teach him how we can check our answers with other sources to make sure they’re correct. Like pepperoni came from Italy, a trillion really only has twelve zeros and a zillion isn’t considered a real number, but is just used to express a large quantity. And one kilometer equals just over half a mile, so it would be way more than about 18.6 miles (30 kilometers) to California. But he was right, no original English word will ever end in an ‘i’, ‘u’ or ‘v’, and I really should slow down or stay home when I’m stressed out.


  1. That is awesome. Good thing you wrote it all down. That will be so fun to read in another 5 or 6 years, or longer :)

  2. So smart to write it down. I need to remember that when I am talking to Roo, she comes up with some real doozies.

    And if you don't think you know anything now wait until you have a almost 12 yr old. Oy Vey!

  3. Ok first off you could put a curly mullet wig on that kid and he would look EXACTLY like an 8 year old you!! I was laughing my head off cause your first pair of glasses looked almost like those!

    Second off I love to hear what Porter (and any little kid for that matter) has to say. They say the most random things. Your awesome to have written it all down.

  4. Okay first of all, these are by far my favorite kinds of blog posts that anyone writes. Kids are the funniest. Secondly, I had to laugh at Katie's comment because it is so true! lol!

  5. I burst out laughing about the distance to CA. Hahaha. And I am with Emmy on reading it again about 5 or so years. Fun.

  6. He is pretty much the best I know at conversions. Way better then I am.

  7. I LOVE it. That kid is a smarty. Even if he's a little wrong, at least he's thinking about it. You are such a good mama!

  8. Too freakin' funny! I remember talking to you about how different little girl conversations are than little boy ones. I can't wait till I can chat like this with Asher.
